SteveSandersonMS / WebWindow

.NET Core library to open native OS windows containing web UI on Windows, Mac, and Linux. Experimental.
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How to include static assets from RazorLib? #22

Open Mercurial opened 4 years ago

Mercurial commented 4 years ago

Hi I'm trying to use MatBlazor library but I can't seem to figure out how to include the js and css files for MatBlazor



Mercurial commented 4 years ago

I tried this but it doesn't seem to work

<link href="/_content/RazorClassLibrary1/styles.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="/_content/RazorClassLibrary1/exampleJsInterop.js"></script>
IvanJosipovic commented 4 years ago

I did some testing of loading assets from "_content" with Version="0.1.0-20191120.6"

  1. No - VS debug
  2. No - dotnet run
  3. Yes - Publish - Self-Contained
  4. Yes - Publish - Framework Dependent
  5. No - Publish - Self-Contained + Produce single file
  6. No - Publish - Framework Dependent + Produce single file
iberisoft commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately this is a common issue of any ASP .NET Core application: "Produce single file" option does not generate _content folder with RazorLib assets which should lead to improper work of many Blazor apps.

MaverickMartyn commented 4 years ago

Bumping this issue, since I am running into iit myself.

What is the cause of the _content folder not generating when using "Produce single file"?

Jinjinov commented 4 years ago

Is there any workaround for VS debug mode? Even an ugly hack would help!

Even if I have to change the source code, just point me in the right direction, thank you!

SteveSandersonMS commented 4 years ago

@Jinjinov I haven't tried to implement it myself, but the MSBuild logic needed to copy static web assets into the build output is this:

If you find you're able to make this work and want to submit a PR here, that would be great!

dangershony commented 4 years ago

Making the assets as embedded worked for me (on the wwwroot folder)

This guide helped

nmocruz commented 4 years ago

I'm really new to blazor, any way to use middleware and fileprovider to _content/resoruce