SteveSandersonMS / WebWindow

.NET Core library to open native OS windows containing web UI on Windows, Mac, and Linux. Experimental.
Apache License 2.0
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Unable to load DLL 'WebWindow.Native' #66

Closed parabeyond008 closed 4 years ago

parabeyond008 commented 4 years ago

System.TypeInitializationException HResult=0x80131534 Message=The type initializer for 'WebWindows.WebWindow' threw an exception. Source=WebWindow StackTrace: at WebWindows.WebWindow..ctor(String title) at HelloWorldApp.Program.Main(String[] args) in D:\WebWindow-master\samples\HelloWorldApp\Program.cs:line 10

内部异常 1: DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'WebWindow.Native' or one of its dependencies: 找不到指定的程序。 (0x8007007F)

SteveSandersonMS commented 4 years ago

It works OK when I follow the build instructions. Please check you followed the instructions fully, including setting the build config to x64.