StevenBlack / hosts

🔒 Consolidating and extending hosts files from several well-curated sources. Optionally pick extensions for porn, social media, and other categories.
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Some websites load slowly #1057

Closed tgy closed 4 years ago

tgy commented 4 years ago

Thanks for this repo.

I have one problem and I don't know if you guys have the same and if there's a solution.

Sometimes when I go to some website (e.g., it loads very slowly. I believe that in the background it's trying to access some resources that are hosted on blocked domain names and it waits for a while before giving up loading them. Eventually, the websites will always load (so far) but it's a bit annoying because it takes seconds before the page actually shows up.

Is there anything I can do to improve this? Like some parameter tuning in my web browser (I use qutebrowser).

welcome[bot] commented 4 years ago

Hello! Thank you for opening your first issue in this repo. It’s people like you who make these host files better!

spirillen commented 4 years ago

Hi @tgy that depends on a lot of things...

First how old are your computer, The hosts file size does matter here as all request would have to run through the list on every request.

Second try to install something like uBlock Origin they have a nice logging tool that could help you in giving you answers to the number of queries (PS: F12 - The dev tool can also help here)

Alternatively Try installing something like Unbound and apply @ScriptTiger's lists to it. (Scripttiger converts this lists into nxdomains for unbound) and then restore your hosts file

And I'm just guessing you are on some kind of Windows platform.....

Laicure commented 4 years ago

Have you tried accessing that site when not using a modified hosts file? Also, you said that it takes some seconds, is there any difference with using a non-modified hosts file?

List down the domains being accessed so they can help you.

tgy commented 4 years ago

I'm using a very recent macbook pro. It's definitely faster without the hosts file than with the hosts file. Two domains for example:,

spirillen commented 4 years ago

I honestly don't know if you can install a DNS resolver like Unbound on a MAC, but why shouldn't you be able to, it is build on unix BSD......

But i would defiantly recommend you try as DNS resolvers are build to handle this kind of huge "zone" files the hosts isn't, that was designed to a few (10- 20) records on small offices...

In the mean time I'll visit the family for some good food...

You can also test my DNS servers :smiley: but I warn you, there will brake sites like FB :yum:

DNS server ip addresses:

ScriptTiger commented 4 years ago

This sounds a lot like another case for compression. Please refer to my earlier comments for explanation and solution:

All of the people reporting this issue thus far have all been Windows users, so I am eager to hear if this works for you so we can confirm our first Mac-related incident.

Martii commented 4 years ago

@tgy Cc: @spirillen

it loads very slowly. I believe that in the background it's trying to access some resources that are hosted on blocked domain names and it waits for a while before giving up loading them.

I've encountered this quite a bit since this February and I am using a dedicated unbound Linux Server (4 core 3.2MHz/32GiB DDR3/SSD/1Gbps net and system usage is below 1% on queries and usually never spikes in System Monitor of that machine and usually sits around 0% (zero) ). When there's nothing matched in the list, like the organization I manage, it's quick to resolve the pages otherwise it's sometimes super slow depending on target site from the address bar... so I would assume that it is going through all the records in the db at least once on my managed domain? I've also tried refuse instead of deny at with no differences. It is kind of an annoyance but I've learned to improve my patience level atm (although may not continue that way forever; looking into alternatives still). Also no DoH enabled in Firefox (Fx), PaleMoon (PM) i.e. older browsers that don't support DoH... and haven't had a chance to go through Chromium/Chrome's current flags yet. Do have DoT enabled in unbound and also on router. Was using but then tried about 2 weeks ago and then now randomize between them as of Friday... no change in the "slowness to load" on some sites. Not currently running DNSSec since it hosed my network on my server last week (probably some configuration issue that I'm not familiar with yet).


... also been having some delay lag on sourceforge esp. when editing my projects with allura wiki. Allura wiki usually shows markdown content and then actually parses it in the editor so it looks more like it will be when previewed. Without unbound and only using from router it's immediate rendering.

Next test period is bumping up num-threads to non-1 even though I'm the only one on this particular LAN.

$ cat unbound_srv.conf
  ip-freebind: yes
  do-daemonize: no

  verbosity: 1

  do-ip4: yes
  do-ip6: no
  do-tcp: yes
  do-udp: yes


  num-threads: 1

  outgoing-port-permit: 32768-60999
  outgoing-port-avoid: 0-32767

  log-time-ascii: yes

  access-control: allow_snoop
  access-control: allow
  access-control: allow

  hide-identity: yes
  hide-version: yes
  minimal-responses: yes
  rrset-roundrobin: yes
  ssl-upstream: yes

$ cat unbound_ext.conf

  name: "."
  forward-ssl-upstream: yes

  ## Cloudflare DNS

  ## Also add IBM IPv6 Quad9 over TLS

$ apt-cache madison unbound
   unbound | 1.6.7-1ubuntu2.2 | bionic-updates/universe amd64 Packages # <-- Current
   unbound | 1.6.7-1ubuntu2.1 | bionic-security/universe amd64 Packages
   unbound | 1.6.7-1ubuntu2 | bionic/universe amd64 Packages

I honestly don't know if you can install a DNS resolver like Unbound on a MAC

Homebrew has an option described at but I started off with stubby initially before I just moved it all to a dedicated unbound Linux server... easier to just point all DNS to that server IP imho. Manually import the rules in currently during all tests and releases via ads.conf.

Martii commented 4 years ago
spirillen commented 4 years ago

You are right that the site is slow, but there are more than one reason to that; and yes, this list is a reason why, and it should be so.

Screenshot_20190930_032649 leboncoin fr

As you can see in the attachment the site is constructed to collect data, not serve data, this means they are first, second and third trying to collect a lot of date about you, and then appear to be doing something you want.

Translated into short. You are waiting for there failures to happens before you see the page. (faulty written site)

So everything is working as expected actually :) it's there site that's broken not your setup :yum:

PS: since you have dedicated an entire piece of hardware to a DNS resolver, I would recommend a different combo of selection

BSD/Recursor (which have full support of RPZ import) Debian(Buster)/Recursor

These are not faster than unbound, but the fully operational RPZ makes a different in choice from my point of view

PPS: @martiitry local-zone: "" always_nxdomain in you unbound zone, that will (if following RFC) remove all clients timeouts to a blocked zone

Sleep tight :zzz:

StevenBlack commented 4 years ago

Wow. Give this person, AKA @spirillen, a silver star ⭐️!

Martii commented 4 years ago

Doesn't appear that Recursor does caching though. That's the primary function when I added unbound. Has to support that or at least work in tandem.

That also doesn't explain the SF and other sites. I wasn't accumulating the URLs however it's very noticeable when I go searching for an answer or spec.

Whoops missed an edit... let me reread that again.

PPS: @martii try local-zone: "" always_nxdomain in you unbound zone, that will (if following RFC) remove all clients timeouts to a blocked zone

Kills when rule is placed before forward-zone. :\ Thanks for the suggestion though.

Touched and edited a new try.conf in /etc/unbound/unbound.conf.d/ and seems to unblock the failure. Will get back to you if things are "more normal" after a few days since I'm going to be super busy this week. EDIT Tried something different and now doesn't come through. So back to original issue of YouTube being killed. :\ Oy caching false positive is my guess.

Should also clarify that: loads immediately in Fx and Chromium.

... means that I get something on the web site... however the spinners in the browsers goes for a while i.e. does have some lagging (Same with SourceForge).

spirillen commented 4 years ago

Hi @martii and other interested readers :jack_o_lantern:

About your missing caching, I have seen some articles/issues around the net on that for older Unbound releases like yours.

Current release is 1.9.3 and on more resent Ubuntu (Disco) the apt release is 1.9.0-2 which is the one i use for testing my zone files. I know Unbound is working on the RPZ protocol probably for the 1.9.4 version, but I'm not sure on that, as it is a open question

There are also another interesting issue on unbound with DNSsec, DNS over TLS (DoT) not serving cross signed zones out of the box.

And as commented by @gthess here

This seems like a problem with the domain and not unbound (or stubby for the relevant issue). Unbound saw an unsigned record in a supposedly signed domain and rightfully fails validation.

Unbound and DNSSEC were doing their job in regards to this mis-configured domain; you are supposed to get a SERVFAIL when validation fails.

This is ware the NTA comes in handy, but should never be used for other than ### ONLY TRUSTED zones as the concept is to prevent serving hijacked stub-zones and should actually only be used on own domains not any foreigners zones which you do not have any control.

You are also welcome to take a peek at my unbound.conf which is caching as expected

a comment on:

Kills when rule is placed before forward-zone. :\ Thanks for the suggestion though.

Ofcurse :imp: Local-zones should only be applied for matching domains and subdomains. the given example was an example but should of curse have been clarified better by usage of domain. (You do know youtubeis a bait-site right?)

Another little comment on previously replies: The big different between a hosts-file and a DNS recursor is that the hosts-file is scraped through on disk level at every request; the DNS recursor loads the data into memory at startup and then scrape the memory for every request done to various rules, which is why DNS recursor can respond to zone files as big as ~2mill in less than 1msec

I'll put up a test of this with results a bit later and ad a note here :spiral_notepad: when it's served and ready :smiling_imp:

spirillen commented 4 years ago

A little head up.. test still running....


tgy commented 4 years ago

@spirillen thanks for your analysis. This is exactly what I expected was happening: failures from third party data collection before showing actual interesting content. This is exactly one of the motivations I had for setting up this hosts file: preventing shit third parties from collecting my data. Is there a way to make these fail faster?

spirillen commented 4 years ago

Is there a way to make these fail faster?

Find a site that act normally, who are not all about collecting data about you, but about providing contents.

The bait sites are spending more and more resources on how to working you physic to disable tracking and banner protection to get there sites load faster, as the build in timers before failure.

And in near future we would unfortunately probably also see the build-in DNS setups. Just try to view this thread #1051

[#pol] It have unfortunately become common that people sticks to one site and over time letting then bt fk them. If peoples started to turn over to sites (domains) that don't act like &/¤&%¤ then companies like FB, YT, G and ${0} would simply die. But they are nothing but malicious bait sites breaking every rules and netiquette and for reason beyond my imagination peoples keeps visiting them......

So yes, the solution, find another site....

Martii commented 4 years ago

Is there a way to make these fail faster?

Find a site that act normally

Unfortunately that's not always an option. Occasionally I'll do some online perusing/shopping, take for example, and it just takes forever (not nearly as long as though). While I'm aware they are attempting to track even with unbound it should be a lot faster than this. Still have to look at the config @spirillen posted to see and changing from bionic to non-LTS isn't going to happen (prefer a stable machine for development). For the moment I guess I'll just have to be more patient. :pouting_cat:

... and netiquette ...

Speaking of... took a while for this to come up.

tgy commented 4 years ago

Yes, I agree with you in theory @spirillen but in practice it's not always possible to avoid some websites.

spirillen commented 4 years ago

Hi @Martii

changing from bionic to non-LTS isn't going to happen (prefer a stable machine for development).

I would then recommend you to compile the unbound from source your self :) there have been made a lot of improvements

@tgy like which ones? I have no issue blocking site like google, youtube, fb etc entirely, and if a site then don't work... they have nothing to offer me :tongue:

But ok I'm also a .45

Martii commented 4 years ago


... have been clarified better by usage of domain.


... always_nxdomain ...

Took me a couple of very distracted days to figure out what you meant on this part by putting all the pieces together... when I alter the script to not use deny/refuse (plus reread the since it changed since Feburary) and use always_nxdomain seems to be much more tolerable ( is somewhat slow but not as much... same as SourceForge YAY!!!! :).

... compile the unbound from source your self ...

Thought of that however that would move that server out of the stable zone. I'd rather have Ubuntu back-port it on a more frequent stable release timetable... or at the very least unbound could do a PPA that's release status only. When compiling from source dependency "hell" is something I prefer to avoid on that particular server. Development is on this machine, production is on that dedicated server plus production is "time shared" i.e. when I'm not perusing the web it does actually serve a secondary purpose for local network jobs. Waste not, want not.

So wanted to clarify that this unbound version is not totally to blame. :smile_cat: Still more work/configuration to do though.

spirillen commented 4 years ago

My apologies for not make it more clear about the diff between the usage of end syntax.

So for other readers, let's make a little simplified "try" to correct this.

The following syntax have the follow response/actions

local-zone: "" always_nxdomain # This replies to client that this domain does not exist, do not wait longer for a reply

local-zone: "" static # replies with a empty A record

local-zone: "" drop # simply just drop the request and forgets you ever asked anything, the client keeps waiting for a reply that will never comes, timeouts...

local-zone: "" deny # denying the given hosts to make any requests to this configuration (you can run several instances and sub-zones on same machine)

local-zone: "" refuse # stops queries  too,  but  sends  a  DNS  rcode REFUSED error message back, and the client might ask another DNS resolver.

From man:

local-zone: "" ${0}

deny Do  not  send an answer, drop the query.  If there is a match
                 from local data, the query is answered.

                 Send an error message reply, with rcode REFUSED.  If there is
                 a match from local data, the query is answered.

                 If  there  is a match from local data, the query is answered.
                 Otherwise, the query is answered  with  nodata  or  nxdomain.
                 For  a  negative  answer  a  SOA is included in the answer if
                 present as local-data for the zone apex domain.

                 If there is a match from local data, the query  is  answered.
                 Otherwise  if  the  query  has a different name, the query is
                 resolved normally.  If the query  is  for  a  name  given  in
                 localdata  but  no  such  type of data is given in localdata,
                 then a noerror nodata answer is returned.  If  no  local-zone
                 is  given  local-data causes a transparent zone to be created
                 by default.

                 If there is a match from local data, the query  is  answered.
                 If  the  query  is for a different name, or for the same name
                 but for a different type, the  query  is  resolved  normally.
                 So,  similar  to transparent but types that are not listed in
                 local data are resolved normally, so if an A record is in the
                 local  data  that  does  not  cause  a  nodata reply for AAAA

                 The query is answered from the local data for the zone  name.
                 There  may  be  no  local  data  beneath the zone name.  This
                 answers queries for the zone, and all subdomains of the  zone
                 with the local data for the zone.  It can be used to redirect
                 a domain to return a different  address  record  to  the  end
                 user,    with   local-zone:   ""   redirect   and
                 local-data: " A" queries for  www.exam-
        and are redirected, so that users
                 with web browsers  cannot  access  sites  with  suffix  exam-

                 The  query  is  answered  normally, same as transparent.  The
                 client IP address (@portnumber) is printed  to  the  logfile.
                 The  log  message  is: timestamp, unbound-pid, info: zonename
                 inform IP@port queryname type class.  This option can be used
                 for normal resolution, but machines looking up infected names
                 are logged, eg. to run antivirus on them.

                 The query is dropped, like 'deny', and logged, like 'inform'.
                 Ie. find infected machines without answering the queries.

                 The  query  is  redirected, like 'redirect', and logged, like
                 'inform'.  Ie. answer queries with fixed data  and  also  log
                 the machines that ask.

                 Like  transparent,  but  ignores local data and resolves nor-

                 Like refuse, but ignores local data and refuses the query.

                 Like static, but ignores local data and returns nxdomain  for
                 the query.

                 Breaks  out  of  that view and moves towards the global local
                 zones for answer to the query.  If  the  view  first  is  no,
                 it'll  resolve  normally.   If  view  first is enabled, it'll
                 break perform that step and check the  global  answers.   For
                 when  the  view has view specific overrides but some zone has
                 to be answered from global local zone contents.

                 Used to turn off default contents for AS112 zones. The  other
                 types also turn off default contents for the zone. The 'node-
                 fault' option has no other effect than  turning  off  default
                 contents  for  the  given  zone.   Use  nodefault  if you use
                 exactly that zone, if you want to use a subzone,  use  trans-

So what to choose, In my mind it obviously that you should choose (always_nxdomain|static) as the prefered, do to the fact that any other replies can lead the client to go ask elsewhere. But if the client requesting is given the "Domain do not exist" it should stop waiting and go to next step and not take any other actions to lookup for the domain. <- supposed workflow

But keep in mind, this is the 3rd world war. and a separate ip firewall (timeouts) would be next step to protect your self against these commercial attacks

@Martii if you are up for a bit deeper learning and way to get newer recursor, I could recommend the powerdns recursor repo and mix it with the dnsdist, now you'll have some real powerfull control over the queries. But that requires some seriously learning and time to get this mix right... but I run it on my old Lenovo T-520 laptop (~10 yo) with less than 150mb consumption....

Boy did this thread take a new direction :raised_hands:

ScriptTiger commented 4 years ago

To address the OP's original post, @tgy, if you're following all this and want to host your own Unbound, etc., can you confirm this as a possible solution? I don't believe there is an official Mac version for Unbound, but I think there are some home-brewed versions floating around. You could also host it on a separate machine running Windows/Linux/BSD attached to the same LAN as your Mac and just point to that machine as your DNS.

On the other hand, rather than focusing entirely on Unbound, I would also like to reiterate my earlier comment of this possibly being a compression issue, which is also fairly common and I think worth testing on your machine to see if you notice any performance improvement just by using a different hosts file format.

spirillen commented 4 years ago

I've made a little wiki here it should be ready for a test....

PS: make comments in new thread

tgy commented 4 years ago

Thanks @ScriptTiger & @spirillen. I don't have a lot of time to go through configuring all of this right now but I'll give it a shot later and keep you guys posted.

StevenBlack commented 4 years ago

Closing this, now.

spirillen commented 4 years ago

Hi @Martii

Just re-reading this thread, as I'm still preparing the test data, I promised earlier, and noticed you lines

Doesn't appear that Recursor does caching though. That's the primary function when I added unbound. Has to support that or at least work in tandem

I can assure you PowerDNS's recursor does cache...

 Packet cache hitrate: 100.00%, Average response time: 0.001 ms, CPU Usage: 0.50% 

I would have attached a screen-dump but GH isn't in the mood for that

But a conf you might have forgotten could be:


And you should remember the powerdns recursor is designed to be running behind dnsdist, which is the primary load-balancing and cache front-end

spirillen commented 4 years ago

As I promised in this comment

I have now setup a test environment to demonstrate the different between the usage of hosts and a DNS recursor like Unbound

The test data

wc -l output/domains/ACTIVE/list 
1.789.872 output/domains/ACTIVE/list

Test command used with unbound

time dig +noall @ -p 53 -f output/domains/ACTIVE/list


Unbound test Data:

All data is setup as always_nxdomain

local-zone: "" always_nxdomain

Test stat before first run

unbound-control stats | grep total

1. unbound test

real    4m31,098s
user    3m0,287s
sys     2m10,670s


Notice the total.num.queries=1789872 and total.num.cachehits=1789872 they are equal

2. unbound test

real    4m38,948s
user    3m6,641s
sys     2m14,106s


Again the total.num.queries=3579744 and total.num.cachehits=3579744 they are equal

Thats good :+1:

Unbound caching

In this test we will use dig to lookup an external domain which isn't in our blocklist.

First dig is a lookup of

time dig +noall @ -p 53

real    0m1,681s
user    0m0,016s
sys     0m0,004s

Second run

time dig +noall @ -p 53

real    0m0,025s
user    0m0,016s
sys     0m0,009s

Now let's get the cache stats


This time the queries is +1 to cachehits :smiling_imp:


Let's do the same, where the records is added to the /etc/hosts files and the local DNS is disabled

cat /etc/resolv.conf
time dig +noall

real    0m1,031s
user    0m0,021s
sys     0m0,008s
time dig +noall

real    0m0,026s
user    0m0,015s
sys     0m0,012s

Test command Hosts

time while read line; do getent ahosts $line; done < output/domains/ACTIVE/list

1. result of hosts

real    9411m8,908s
user    8732m51,608s
sys     675m54,859s

2. result of hosts

Do to the time consumed by this test, there won't be a sec

Unbound new test

As notices later in this thraed, there is in fact an issue using dig to test hosts files, therefore I'm starting a third test of unbound with the same test string, as with the hosts file.

time while read line; do getent ahosts $line; done < output/domains/ACTIVE/list


real    98m8,897s
user    48m50,247s
sys     49m41,709s

Unbound test with wget

time wget --no-config --spider -4 --delete-after -i output/domains/ACTIVE/list

Test result:

real    7m5,683s
user    1m58,984s
sys     2m43,794s

real    6m53,000s
user    1m58,163s
sys     2m42,103s

As this "quick" dirty test shows, there are several god reasons to consider switching to a DNS Resolver like Unbound on windows and Apple.

Note for Apple OS

I've crome across a site that stated there should be a prebuild of unbound. is should be posible to install it by brew install unbound

ler762 commented 4 years ago

@spirillen how did you get dig to look at the host file? It's ignored - at least with my setup on Debian.

The name is in /etc/hosts:

$ grep nametest /etc/hosts  nametest

and it does resolve properly:

$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 2034ms

but dig doesn't return the hostfile address:

$ dig @

; <<>> DiG 9.11.5-P4-5~bpo9+1-Debian <<>> @
; (1 server found)
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 32302
;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 1432
; COOKIE: acc19344f14df5667c6fbc815dc2e1d8b99b9a6ddc305752 (good)
;             IN      A

;; AUTHORITY SECTION:               3600    IN      SOA     localhost. 2017010100 21600 15 86400 3600

;; Query time: 1 msec
;; WHEN: Wed Nov 06 10:08:08 EST 2019
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 125
spirillen commented 4 years ago

Hi @ler762

You set the proper order in /etc/host.conf

# The "order" line is only used by old versions of the C library.
order hosts,bind
multi on

Or in /etc/nsswitch.conf

line starting with: hosts
hosts:          files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns

But it will vary depending on your setup, and Linux is very open for customization :), The best guide I can provide you, as standard choices.

The second best choice is a search

Maybe this could be your answer

spirillen commented 4 years ago

PS: The the right terminology is "Network search order"

ler762 commented 4 years ago

@spirillen I have it set in /etc/nsswitch.conf (along with multicast dns resolution disabled):

$ grep 'hosts:' /etc/nsswitch.conf
# hosts:          files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns
hosts:          files dns

If you think about it, dig would be, at best, misleading if it got addresses from the local /etc/hosts instead of the dns server being queried but maybe unbound does look there?

On your machine running unbound, could you try adding  nametest

to your /etc/hosts and show the results from

dig @


spirillen commented 4 years ago

Hmm you've caught me there... switching test to use getent ahosts Thanks for the wake-up call :smiley: :hurtrealbad:

Man for getent ahosts When no key is provided, use sethostent(3), gethostent(3), and endhostent(3) to enumerate the hosts database. This is identical to using hosts. When one or more key arguments are provided, pass each key in succession to getaddrinfo(3) with the address family AF_UN‐SPEC, enumerating each socket address structure returned.

It's of curse only ping and not dig or hosts that looks up in the /etc/hosts file. They are both going straight for the /etc/resolve.conf

Taking my head out of a.. it's not a hat :tophat: - and turning off the autopilot, Sorry guys

ler762 commented 4 years ago

@spirillen I'm not sure what you're trying to measure..

If it's just how much time an absurdly oversized hosts file costs (1.8 million lines!??) then why not something like

time getent hosts  # get it in cache
time getent hosts  # get from cache

with and without the monster host file?

nb: I'm assuming the resolver will check the hosts file first and only after not finding the answer talks to the dns server.. I'm not sure how to prove that's what actually happens since I do seem to have a resolver cache running - even tho I don't see anything like nscd on my machine. hrmmm...

$ sudo systemd-resolve --flush-caches
[sudo] password for lee:

$ time getent hosts

real    0m0.025s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m0.008s

$ time getent hosts

real    0m0.009s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m0.004s

apparently dig bypasses the cache and getent doesn't.

& semi-related: is your monster host file available for download somewhere? I'm curious how privoxy would handle an action file that large.

spirillen commented 4 years ago

Q: If it's just how much time an absurdly oversized hosts file costs (1.8 million lines!??) then why not something like A: It's a measurement of the differences between using hosts-file vs eg. Unbound for blocking. To proof the beneficial of running a local resolver for blocking over /etc/hosts.

I doubt nscd caches anything from your hosts file as that for my knowledge wouldn't be a default behavior as the hosts file is a "override" of the default "Network lookup", but things do evolve from time to time :smile:

Versus what you shows in your example you demonstrate the caching of an external lookup (non-blocked), for something within not in a hosts file, but I'm surely curious if nscd actually would cache a /etc/hosts record, please test.

This test is performed in relation to this comment and the follow thread down :smile:

even tho I don't see anything like nscd on my machine. hrmmm... Hmm from deep down in a very dark corner of my head, do I find a link to dnsmasq there?? which by the way, by design works with /etc/hosts in some obscure ways

semi-related: is your monster host file available for download somewhere? I'm curious how privoxy would handle an action file that large

Look for a commit != e613a335 at and you will know I've done uploading it :+1: However you'll find two commits,

  1. The one used for testing
  2. The syntax cleaned from commit e613a335 with 3.578.077 lines

But why are you using privoxy on a Debian? just curious....

ler762 commented 4 years ago

To proof the beneficial of running a local resolver for blocking over /etc/hosts.

Ahh - I get it now. (although the only proof I need is how hard it is troubleshooting /etc/hosts vs. pretty much anything else)

Look for a commit != e613a335 at

Which firefox chokes on :( Gah. Your tab just crashed.

Oh well.. easy enough to grab with curl - thanks!

But why are you using privoxy on a Debian? just curious....

  1. Host files are too much of a pain to troubleshoot.
  2. bind rpz is way to much trouble poking holes in the rpz firewall.

Privoxy is easy to troubleshoot, I'm the only one using it at home so I can go overboard and do things like

{ +block{TLDs I probably don't want} }
    ... etc ...

without worrying about breaking stuff for anyone else & it's trivially easy to unblock specific sites.

And it's fast.

I had to add a line at the start of your UltimateWorldBiggestDumbestHosts.hosts:

$ head -3 monsterHostFile.action
{ +block{monsterHostFile} }

and the darn thing takes a while to read in:

2019-11-06 18:51:25.700 00000acc Info: Loading actions file: .\lightswitch-hosts.action
2019-11-06 18:51:25.825 00000acc Info: Loading actions file: .\unified-hosts.action
2019-11-06 18:51:25.888 00000acc Info: Loading actions file: .\monsterHostFile.action
2019-11-06 18:51:32.105 00000acc Info: Loading actions file: .\unblock.action

but page load speed using Privoxy with/without the monsterHostFile.action is less than a second.

Without monsterHostFile.action

$ time curl --head --proxy
HTTP/1.1 200 Connection established

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 07 Nov 2019 00:08:47 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Status: 200 OK
  ... snip ...

real    0m0.933s
user    0m0.031s
sys     0m0.015s


$ time curl --head --proxy
HTTP/1.1 200 Connection established

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 07 Nov 2019 00:10:56 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Status: 200 OK
  ... snip ...

real    0m0.975s
user    0m0.031s
sys     0m0.015s
spirillen commented 4 years ago

It would be more interesting if you tested against a number of blocked vs nonblocked sites...

What is privoxy's memory and CPU footprint with(out) monsterHostFile.action? while loading and surfing?

ler762 commented 4 years ago

Blocking is fast, memory usage with a 3.8M line file is, not surprisingly, large:

           without   with
Working Set 24.2Mb  530Mb

$ wc -l monsterHostFile.action
3788979 monsterHostFile.action

$ tail -3 monsterHostFile.action

Early on I block .fr/ and .info/, so the last two should be blocked faster.

$ time curl --head --proxy
HTTP/1.1 403 Request blocked by Privoxy
  .. snip ..
real    0m0.188s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m0.030s

$ time curl --head --proxy
HTTP/1.1 403 Request blocked by Privoxy
  .. snip ..
real    0m0.186s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m0.030s

$ time curl --head --proxy
HTTP/1.1 403 Request blocked by Privoxy
   .. snip ..
real    0m0.203s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m0.000s

^shrug^ not much difference between blocking before the 3.8M line file or at the end. But even if there was, I'd still use privoxy. Figuring out what needs to be removed from a hosts file to un-break a site is something I don't ever want to do again.

CPU is very low - after checking if the site is allowed or blocked it's all I/O - read from the server (web site) & write to the client (browser)

Why not give it a try yourself?

spirillen commented 4 years ago

Because I have tried it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: and found it to heavy and slow :smiling_imp:

If you enable it for serving request from your local lan it often breaks (in the past when i tested it) and a memory footprint of 500 mb is way to much for any running service.

Next, as you will see in this and other threads I'm deeply into RPZ with NXDOMAIN responses :smile: to be able to protect any network attached devices, and breaking sites, mis-services because they think they can spy on there users, is the best damn thing I can think of. Cos users would(should) move away from such sites as they get warned about these suckers :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:

ler762 commented 4 years ago

@spirillen Adding your UltimateWorldBiggestDumbestHosts to my windows hosts file stopped name resolution & was a pain to undo. So I tried today with a smaller set of host names -- StevenBlack + lightswitch05

short story - The initial hit was over 3.5 minutes for windows to process the host file & one cpu was maxed out while the dnscache service working set slowly climbed to 128.6M

I don't know how often (or even if) Windows clears the cache, but every time it's cleared name resolution stops while the hosts file is processed: ($ prompt is from the cygwin shell - I have no idea how to time a command from the cmd shell)

C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc>grep hosts

$ time curl --head
curl: (6) Could not resolve host:

real    0m0.083s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m0.046s

C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc>ipconfig /flushdns

Windows IP Configuration

Successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache.

$ time curl --head
curl: (6) Could not resolve host:

real    3m37.604s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m0.015s

$ time curl --head
curl: (6) Could not resolve host:

real    0m0.087s
user    0m0.015s
sys     0m0.015s

re privoxy:

If you enable it for serving request from your local lan it often breaks (in the past when i tested it)

can we take that off-line? I'd like to know what broke & if it still happens.

and a memory footprint of 500 mb is way to much for any running service.

that's with using your UltimateWorldBiggestDumbestHosts as a privoxy action file. Privoxy is using 18.5M now & that's with all the pre-Snowden http:// filters & blockers that I haven't bothered to remove.

I'm deeply into RPZ with NXDOMAIN responses ... and breaking sites, mis-services because they think they can spy on there users, is the best damn thing I can think of.

Whatever works for you. People that are still using a hosts file on the other hand...

FWIW: I don't mind breaking sites, but if my wife can't get to things like family pics on facebook she'll just turn off wireless on her phone rather than tell me there's a problem :( She's going to be tracked & spied on outside the house anyway, so unless/until I can set up a VPN service at home for our phones, generating an RPZ zone from host files on the net (eg. StevenBlack) is, for me, more pain than gain.

spirillen commented 4 years ago

Wouldn't the best privacy settings in this case be to delete facebook? My life function pretty well without that crap :yum: Last time I chekket flopbook is all about storing and tracking to get trump re-elected..

ler762 commented 4 years ago

Wouldn't the best privacy settings in this case be to delete facebook?

Obviously. But it's no small task convincing all the relatives to delete facebook.

spirillen commented 4 years ago

Wouldn't the best privacy settings in this case be to delete facebook? Obviously. But it's no small task convincing all the relatives to delete facebook.

unfortunately :sob: you're right

spirillen commented 4 years ago

The promised test is finished and the virtual machine will be deleted.

If you come up with other idea for test environments, I'm open for suggestions, but as said, this environment is deleted, and new tests will there for be late and put to the bottom of the ToDo list