StevenBlack / hosts

🔒 Consolidating and extending hosts files from several well-curated sources. Optionally pick extensions for porn, social media, and other categories.
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Tracker by salesforce, for a certain banking app #2595

Closed karolyi closed 2 months ago

karolyi commented 2 months ago


I use a certain 3-letter banking app (I don't want to name it here), that uses the host Is there a way to put it into the blocked host list?


welcome[bot] commented 2 months ago

Hello! Thank you for opening your first issue in this repo. It’s people like you who make these host files better!

StevenBlack commented 2 months ago

Thank you for this László @karolyi.

To be perfectly honest I'm not into vague issues like this where I'm supposed to accept veiled references to de-platform a domain.

Why would someone not want to mention the full details of a specific technical problem?

Please provide full details, or close this issue, thanks!

karolyi commented 2 months ago


The bank is the N26 bank in Germany, they're using this API to track users.

I was reluctant to tell for privacy reasons.

XhmikosR commented 2 months ago

Did you try blocking it yourself @karolyi and see if everything still works with N26?

Blocking something without testing is dangerous and can lead to breakage.

karolyi commented 2 months ago

I did.

As a preface, I'm using trackercontrol from F-Droid on my android phones.

Logging in already took about 20 minutes just because the constantly blocked requests to another 'telemetry'. The application ruthlessly tries to connect there — as well as to this host — before finally giving up and letting me log in.

This didn't change after blocking this host locally, so you can safely put it into the blacklisted hosts.

StevenBlack commented 2 months ago

Thank you László @karolyi I have added this domain and it will be live in the next release.