StevenBlack / hosts

🔒 Consolidating and extending hosts files from several well-curated sources. Optionally pick extensions for porn, social media, and other categories.
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Authentic domain being blocked #2635

Closed wealstarrr closed 3 weeks ago

wealstarrr commented 3 weeks ago


HOSTS file block which is an authentic domain that verifies the geolocation of the user and validate their IP address to be able to login to the Discord app.

Please whitelist this domain, it's not ad, malware, annoyance or anything else.


Kind regards

welcome[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

Hello! Thank you for opening your first issue in this repo. It’s people like you who make these host files better!

m-klecka commented 3 weeks ago is also used to verify email address for discord and for all discord email "buttons" that point somewhere This should be probably not blocked

iam-py-test commented 3 weeks ago

This issue has been discussed before. is primarily used for tracking links in emails, and as such StevenBlack has decided to blocklist it. Unless new information has come to light, I doubt they will reconsider. In the future, please check for existing issues before opening a new one. Thank you

m-klecka commented 3 weeks ago

This issue has been discussed before. is primarily used for tracking links in emails, and as such StevenBlack has decided to blocklist it. Unless new information has come to light, I doubt they will reconsider. In the future, please check for existing issues before opening a new one. Thank you

If it's been discussed then it should be unblocked. The link also has legitimate use besides tracking - you cannot confirm the creation of discord account unless you go through that link, which they provide only though and theres no other way. Blocking this makes discord unusable.

iam-py-test commented 3 weeks ago is primarily used for tracking links in emails

and the policy of this list is to block any website which is primary used for tracking. is primarily used for tracking. If you disagree with that policy, you may allowlist the domain yourself. Additionally, you can contact Discord and request they stop tracking their users. Ultimately, it is their fault for using a tracking domain in account creation emails. Obviously they probably won't care, but it's worth a try. In any case, I am not the maintainer of this list; this is not my decision to make. I am just trying to provide information. Thank you.

StevenBlack commented 3 weeks ago

@m-klecka and @wealstarrr this issue should be raised with Discord. Tell them, mixing scummy into their core workflows is a choice. Discord gets no free pass here.

Thank you for the assist @iam-py-test.