StevenDevooght / tinyMCE-mention

Mention/Autocomplete plugin for tinyMCE WYSIWYG editor.
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Uncaught TypeError: tinymce.create is not a function #91

Open tahira-ztabs opened 1 year ago

tahira-ztabs commented 1 year ago

I got this error "Uncaught TypeError: tinymce.create is not a function" in plugin.min.js.

Code Snippet: tinymce.init({ selector: '#task-comment.tinymce-editor', toolbar_mode: 'floating', height: 300, toolbar: 'undo redo | fontfamily fontsize | bold italic backcolor forecolor | styles | bullist numlist outdent indent | removeformat | alignment | link | autolink | emoticons', toolbar_groups: { alignment: { icon: 'align-left', items: 'alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify' } }, branding: false, statusbar: false, promotion: false, menubar: false, plugins: 'lists link autolink emoticons mention', setup: function(editor) { editor.on('change', function() { tinymce.triggerSave(); }); }, mentions: { source: [ { name: 'Tyra Porcelli' }, { name: 'Brigid Reddish' }, { name: 'Ashely Buckler' }, { name: 'Teddy Whelan' } ] }, }); Environment Details: Browser: Chrome - Version 113.0.5672.126 TinyMCE version: "^6.4.2"

Additional Information: The issue persists even when trying the same code in the "tinymce-mention" library's runkit environment, which can be accessed using the following URL:

Any help is appreciated.

saosangmo commented 7 months ago

I get the same error with tinymce6.

CollapsedMetal commented 7 months ago

Fixed the project to work with tinymce 6.x Checkout my PR