StevenHickson / PiAUISuite

Raspberry PI AUI Suite
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Voicecommand: no such file or directory #110

Open JakobDeHertogh opened 4 years ago

JakobDeHertogh commented 4 years ago


"Voicecommand: no such file or directory", even though the executable is (seemingly) correctly installed. Apparently the main reasons this could occur is when it's a 32-bit executable or when there is no interpreter. Neither of those is the case here.

JakobDeHertogh commented 4 years ago

Okay I found that I do not have the /lib64 directory, and therefore not the correct interpreter. Will update ..

S-Huzaifa commented 3 years ago

Assalam u Alikum This is not a big problem I also got this. When you install PiAUISuite (by / it asks for dependencies I think you don't allow this. you have to reinstall it.