StevenHickson / PiAUISuite

Raspberry PI AUI Suite
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which command for opening URL?? #20

Closed Tech4Ever closed 10 years ago

Tech4Ever commented 10 years ago

Hi Steven, I don´t get the right command to switch my Lights On and Off. I use an Arduino and homecontrol4me to switch my RC Switches. I can do this by open this Link for example in my browser: -> Turns Light 1 On. How can I teach voice command to do this? Thought something like this: Light Sofa On==midori -a

but it doesn´t work. Can anyone help me out here?

BrencelJ commented 10 years ago

I think you can do it with light sofa on==curl -s ""

I hope it helps.

Tech4Ever commented 10 years ago

awesome, that works! Thank you so much!!