StevenHickson / PiAUISuite

Raspberry PI AUI Suite
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Thinking Big #26

Open computaholic opened 10 years ago

computaholic commented 10 years ago


This is not an issue, but rather a post on how this idea could jump on to the next level.

There exist many projects which actually cover speech recognition and a provide a "Jarvis" feel, and a couple of them are actually written especially for the raspberry pi, like this one.

I heard about this project about a year ago and was totally fascinated, but realized quickly, that not all of my needs could get covered.

I started my own project (half way), which is nothing else that a clone of voicecommand written on perl ( However, I am not an expert in all this and sometimes it worked and sometimes it didnt. But I implemented some cool features, which I will summarize a little below.

Another great Project is Jasper (, which again is actually the same, but does not depend on google (which is good and/or not so good).

IDEA = JASPER + VOICECOMMAND and some pivoice ;)

So my Idea is, why not combining the best from all projects and create something that is superiour to all that has come to glance so far? I'd rather have one good solution than 10 proof of concepts ones.


My Own

My project is called pivoice and is heavily inspired by this project. However, I tried to do things a little different:

[playmusic] ListenFor = play music Action = echo ""

[playssong] ListenFor =~ play $song from @band Action = echo "vlc /path/to/music/@band/$song.mp3"

[playvideo] ListenFor = ^play\b(.?)\bseason (.?) episode (.*?)

default: simple

MatchStyle  = regex
Action      = echo "mplayer /videos/$1/season_$2/episode_$3"

Basically, this uses a local speech recognition. You have to define every word, that needs to be recognized. This is fast, but does not allow any words, that are not in the dictionary. Its ultra fast and very accurate (if the ditcionary is well written). I first thought of writing a google speech plugin for this, but then I thought why not tryning to combine the best of all worlds.

So, what do you think. Is there any interest in bringing these together? I guess this mostly goes to Steven.
