StevenHickson / PiAUISuite

Raspberry PI AUI Suite
695 stars 210 forks source link

Github code outdated #72

Closed Zulex closed 8 years ago

Zulex commented 8 years ago

Hello all,

I started a week ago with testing PiAUISuite. The main code given by this github page is full with errors. I tried fixing them by reading many topics but can't seem to get it working.

The sound output and input doesn't work with my usb microphone/headset (i'm using the Blue Yeti) while arecord an aplay seem to work fine. One of the errors i'm getting is 'channels count non available'. I replaced the original tts with pico2wave. and the voicecommand -s is giving line errors in different lines.

Is Steven still updating the main code or is there someone willing ( with a working version ) to upload it all together for easy install?


StevenHickson commented 8 years ago

Due to Google's frequent changing of the way their speech recognition and tts work (they haven't wanted us to be creating and using an API to those services and now they want to charge for that service), the code base has to change frequently to keep up with it.

Because of this, there are many times when the code base is not working. Its currently been in this state for a while because I've been using Amazon's alexa service instead. At some point in the near future, I'm going to switch this to a different speech recognition and tts engine that has a bit more support. I've been testing with a couple.

You can test with a couple of the PicoWave PRs that have a working version.

diegodeodati commented 7 years ago

Audio wont work... have you fix google tts ?