StevenMHernandez / ESP32-CSI-Tool

Extract Channel State Information from WiFi-enabled ESP32 Microcontroller. Active and Passive modes available. (
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How to plot the collected CSI data #71

Open Gowtham-Gorajana opened 1 year ago

Gowtham-Gorajana commented 1 year ago

help me on how to plot the CSI data and extract the csi data into a csv file.

StevenMHernandez commented 1 year ago

Please see the documentation for in the This script shows how to read CSI and plot amplitude. The script was added to the codebase two days ago.

StevenMHernandez commented 1 year ago

I am not sure that I understand. Where does it mention "router"?

Both ESP32 TX and ESP32 RX can print CSI. Thus we can use for both TX and RX.

Please review the If there are any steps that are confusing, please let me know.

Gowtham-Gorajana commented 1 year ago

while assigning certain configurations to the esp using the command menuconfig there can certain configurations which are not shown in the way u mentioned like Custom UART and the max val of FREERTOS is 1000 and we cannot make it more than 1000 . how to proceed in such type of situations

Gowtham-Gorajana commented 1 year ago

and also while flashing visualizing and plotting the data where do we have to run the commands , like in which specific directory whether it is active_ap or active_sta? i am totally new to this field and i am having some basic doubts as i could not get hold of the exact theory related to the work so hope u dont mind me asking simple doubts :)

StevenMHernandez commented 1 year ago

while assigning certain configurations to the esp using the command menuconfig there can certain configurations which are not shown in the way u mentioned like Custom UART and the max val of FREERTOS is 1000 and we cannot make it more than 1000 .

Can you share a screenshot of the differences? For Component config > FreeRTOS > Tick rate (Hz) the value should be exactly 1000 so there should not be any problems there. For the custom UART, make sure you set Serial flasher config > ' monitor' baud rate > Custom Baud Rate first before setting the custom baud rate.

Also make sure to consider this notice in the README:

NOTE: For some systems, baud rate 1552000 does not work. Good alternatives to try are 921600, 1000000, 1152000, and 1500000. The higher baud rate the better! Baud rate is extremely important to achieve high sampling rates without lag! If you have a problem, please leave any relevant information such as operating system, esp-idf version, list of all baud rates work and baud rates that do not work etc in

StevenMHernandez commented 1 year ago

and also while flashing visualizing and plotting the data where do we have to run the commands , like in which specific directory whether it is active_ap or active_sta?

Typically active_ap collects the CSI, so run the command from ./active_ap

StevenMHernandez commented 1 year ago

From the README documentation:

Important: It is important that you are able to successfully build and flash the example project from the esp-idf guide onto your own esp32.

(1) Were you able to do this, and do you understand how it works?

(2) Show the full output with active_sta. Did you see any earlier error messages when the esp32 was being flashed?

(3) Try flashing the active_ap in a separate terminal window. Do you see anything?

Gowtham-Gorajana commented 1 year ago

@StevenMHernandez thank you for the suggestions i can now print the csi data and even collected it in a csv file


Gowtham-Gorajana commented 1 year ago

For plotting the data the given file is not working can you please give any other tool on how to plot the above data

StevenMHernandez commented 1 year ago

You mentioned that plotting worked previously. What changed?

Remember: I cannot read your mind and I cannot see what you have tried. You must add enough information so that I can help solve problems with this project.

You can plot the data with any software like Python (which was already mentioned above) or other software like MATLAB, however you will have to build this code yourself. Please understand that this project assumes that you have some understanding of how to write your own programs.

AsciiPro99 commented 1 year ago

If you have used the CSI parse present in ./python_utils this code will plot the data, not in realtime. Alternativly this will get you amplitudes amplitude = np.array([np.sqrt(data[::2]2 + data[1::2]2) for data in csi_data])

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def CarrierPlot(phase,amp,start,stop):
    plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = [7.50, 3.50]
    plt.rcParams["figure.autolayout"] = True
    x = [i for i in range(len(amp))]

    plt.title("Line graph")

    for i in range(start, stop):
        plt.plot(x, amp[:, i])
    plt.xlabel("Packet number/Tid")