StevenMMortimer / rdfp

This R package connects the DoubleClick for Publishers API from R
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rdfp Adx Echange #9

Closed Elrengil closed 6 years ago

Elrengil commented 6 years ago

Hi. How to work with AD_EXCHANGE metric and dimentions? I get an error when I try to load data ReportError.COLUMNS_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_REQUESTED_DIMENSIONS

request_data <- list(reportJob=list(reportQuery=list(dimensions='AD_EXCHANGE_DATE', dimensions='AD_EXCHANGE_URL', dimensions='AD_EXCHANGE_SITE_NAME', dimensions='AD_EXCHANGE_PRODUCT_CODE', adUnitView='FLAT', columns = 'AD_EXCHANGE_AD_REQUESTS', columns = 'AD_EXCHANGE_MATCHED_REQUESTS', columns = 'AD_EXCHANGE_COVERAGE', columns = 'AD_EXCHANGE_CLICKS', columns = 'AD_EXCHANGE_AD_REQUEST_CTR', columns = 'AD_EXCHANGE_AD_CTR', columns = 'AD_EXCHANGE_CPC', columns = 'AD_EXCHANGE_MATCHED_ECPM', columns = 'AD_EXCHANGE_ESTIMATED_REVENUE', columns = 'AD_EXCHANGE_IMPRESSIONS', dateRangeType='YESTERDAY'


StevenMMortimer commented 6 years ago

@elrengil This is an error reported by the API since you have requested a report that is not possible. I recommend two things in trying to troubleshoot:

First, Log into the DFP User Interface and try to select the same dimensions and metrics. They might be greyed out on the screen which confirms that the combination is not possible.

Second, check out other resources online. One great location is the DFP help forum:!forum/dfp