StevenWafeek / Awesome-books

About "Awesome books" is a simple website that displays a list of books and allows you to add and remove books from that list. By building this application, you will learn how to manage data using JavaScript. Built with HTML ,CSS and ES6
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Peer-to-peer code reviews #2

Open mutugi-c opened 1 year ago

mutugi-c commented 1 year ago

The endeavour to come up with a solution is clear in this project, Steven. You can improve the project by not using the h3 tags on the form elements. @redmarverick says that you can remove the innerhtml and use class.textcontent = content; instead.

alvaroiporre commented 1 year ago

Congratulations @StevenWafeek for your code it is clear but just one thing that you could consider refactoring. Your ForEch is too long and you could seek for alternatives to improve your code.