StevensDeptECE / GrailGUI

GrailGUI is a prototype of a replacement for web programming (HTTP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and GUI programming. It includes a client graphical API, a browser implemented in C++ and OpenGL, a protocol to transmit metadata and data in binary, a language (XDL) to describe the binary data, and local storage to retain data on the client should that be necessary. Encrypted communications (equivalent of TLS) have not yet been implemented.
GNU General Public License v3.0
7 stars 14 forks source link

Determine why glDebugMessageCallback is causing a segfault on specific systems #24

Open ahuston-0 opened 3 years ago

ahuston-0 commented 3 years ago

220f713 was recently pushed into the main branch to resolve an issue with our OpenGL debug callback causing segfaults on @hydrodog's machine. This Stack Overflow question indicates that the issue may be us trying to set up our debugging before GLFW or GLAD are fully initialized, but I did not see the issue when I had briefly checked over the code last night. Testing this will be a bit strange as the bug is machine-specific, indicating that this is maybe a dependency bug, or we're possibly just implementing the callbacks incorrectly, but we should definitely resolve it so we can catch OpenGL errors again.