StevensDeptECE / GrailGUI

GrailGUI is a prototype of a replacement for web programming (HTTP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and GUI programming. It includes a client graphical API, a browser implemented in C++ and OpenGL, a protocol to transmit metadata and data in binary, a language (XDL) to describe the binary data, and local storage to retain data on the client should that be necessary. Encrypted communications (equivalent of TLS) have not yet been implemented.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Make the transformations of MultiText apply to the points and not the projection #33

Open dkrautha opened 3 years ago

dkrautha commented 3 years ago

Currently the transformation inside AngledMultiText (soon to also be MultiText) is applied to the projection of the parentCanvas while rendering. It would be better to apply such a transformation before the points are put into the vertices buffer, that way the projection itself doesn't have to be rotated (which rotates the entire coordinate space for the object). This would remove the need to apply an offset to make things drawn show up where you'd expect them in non-rotated space.