Stichoza / google-translate-php

🔤 Free Google Translate API PHP Package. Translates totally free of charge.
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Explode long texts for Google translation #166

Closed arcadeus closed 1 year ago

arcadeus commented 3 years ago

Translation of rather long texts fails, I had to write smth like

function Translate($in)
   $tr = new GoogleTranslate('en');
   return $tr->translate($in);

$arr = explode("\n", $in);
$max = 0x400;
$in  = '';
$out = '';
foreach($arr as $sz)
   if ($in)
      $in .= "\n";
   $in .= $sz;
   if ( strlen($in) >= $max )
      $out .= Translate($in);
      $in = '';
$out .= Translate($in);

It would be handy to have such a feature inside google-translate. Note that I'm sure that my input contains plenty of \n (it's SRT video subtitles); a public code must explode more accurately.

wifirevaithi commented 3 years ago

This one not working in my case.And i found a strange thing too,If i translate in google main page it showing exceeds limit but the same content is translated in the how can i over come this?

wifirevaithi commented 3 years ago

Hi i did like this and it seems fine...have any better idea please share thanks..

public function splitString($in,$tr){ $arr = explode(" ", $in); $max = 0x400; $final = ''; $out = ''; foreach($arr as $key => $word){ $temp = $final; if(strlen($temp .=" ".$word) > $max){ $out .= " ".$this->translateLocale($final,$tr); $final = ''; }else{ $final .=" ".$word; if($key == (count($arr)-1) ){ $out .= " ".$this->translateLocale($final,$tr); } } } return $out; }

Stichoza commented 1 year ago

This should be a simple iteration that I think shouldn't be included in the library.

Here is a better looking code if you're using PHP 8.1:

$tr = new GoogleTranslate();

$text = "this is example long text
with many new lines
lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet example
and so on";

$max = 2000; // Maximum characters per translation

// Create an array of chunked lines (until total count of chars reach $max)
$chunks = array_reduce(explode("\n", $text), function ($carry, $item) use ($max) {
    $last = end($carry) ?: '';

    if (strlen($last . $item) < $max && count($carry)) {
        $carry[count($carry) - 1] .= "\n" . $item;
    } else {
        $carry[] = $item;

    return $carry;
}, []);

// Translate every item in $chunks array.
$translated = array_map($tr->translate(...), $chunks);

Note that ... is part of syntax, not an omission.