Stichoza / google-translate-php

🔤 Free Google Translate API PHP Package. Translates totally free of charge.
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I use the IP of a VPN server as a proxy, I wonder why it doesn't work when I use 'https' instead? #193

Closed richardsonoge closed 10 months ago

richardsonoge commented 11 months ago

Here's my code:

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; // Include Composer's autoloader
use Stichoza\GoogleTranslate\GoogleTranslate;

// $tr = new GoogleTranslate('fr');
$tr = new GoogleTranslate('fr');
// Set proxy to tcp://localhost:8090
    'proxy' => [
        'http' => 'tcp://'
$text = $tr->translate('Hello World!');
echo $text; // Output: en

This code works with 'http'. Why doesn't it work with 'https'? Could I check if it really takes this proxy with 'http' into account? How can I check this?

Stichoza commented 11 months ago

Where cannot see where you specify http or https 🤔

richardsonoge commented 11 months ago

Where cannot see where you specify http or https 🤔

If I use this "'https' => 'tcp://'" is preferred. It doesn't work and I'm not even 100% sure if it works "'http' => 'tcp://'"? Although it has translated the text. But how can I check it?

Stichoza commented 11 months ago

Got it.

The translation URL starts with https://, so by specifying proxy for http only, makes no difference. Request is being sent directly without proxy.

You can set proxy for all protocols like this:

    'proxy' =>  'tcp://', // <-- Proxy for all protocols

The issue is with proxy itself, I recommend testing proxy separately by a Guzzle client. In your case:

$client = new GuzzleHttp\Client();

$client->request('GET', '', ['proxy' => 'tcp://']);
richardsonoge commented 11 months ago

Got it.

The translation URL starts with https://, so by specifying proxy for http only, makes no difference. Request is being sent directly without proxy.

You can set proxy for all protocols like this:

    'proxy' =>  'tcp://', // <-- Proxy for all protocols

The issue is with proxy itself, I recommend testing proxy separately by a Guzzle client. In your case:

$client = new GuzzleHttp\Client();

$client->request('GET', '', ['proxy' => 'tcp://']);

It doesn't work. Can you give me several proxies so that Google doesn't temporarily suspend the translation? I think there will be a large volume of visitors to my site and I won't have enough money to pay for the Google api key. Is there a way to create several 100% working proxies so that Google doesn't temporarily block the translation?

Stichoza commented 10 months ago

Sorry, I cannot provide any proxy server addresses.

Closing issue w/ #194