Stichting-CROW / dashboarddeelmobiliteit-app

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Add feature: API to retrieve trip and bike data #122

Open sklompm opened 1 year ago

sklompm commented 1 year ago

:new: Add feature: API to retrieve trip and bike data.

For lack of visibility on a back-end project, posting this in the front-end project :) I would like to have programmatical access to the data through the use of APIs. Most important are the actual trips, meaning the movements of the bikes/scooters/cars etc. I would like to have this at the highest level of detail, ideally with latitude / longitude data per trip similar to the "raw data" export.

I would like to have a few filters:

I would also like to sort the results based on any column, but most importantly the start datetime column. This will allow us to throttle the data retrieval based on start datetime.

sven4all commented 1 year ago

Hi Stef,

Thanks for sharing your feature request here.

Next week we do have a meeting where we will discuss new developments. We will discuss this idea as well.

One of the things we are thinking about is making an OD-matrix available based on a H3 grid, in that way we can limit the amount of data we share automatically with municipalities that can be considered as privacy sensitive (the raw data export is restricted to only one person per municipality and we have an audit log of all exports). Would an OD-matrix contain useful information or do you need the more detailed data?

Best regards,
