Sticktron / g0blin

a work-in-progress jailbreak for iOS 10.3.x (A7-A9)
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Stopped jailbreaking #262

Open Yazen123 opened 6 years ago

Yazen123 commented 6 years ago

Was working with rc2 very well for 2 weeks and now if I try jailbreaking the it fails and the device restarts right away! I have tried using the new impactor version and another apple id still no use. Please help iPhone 6 132gb 10.3.3 global

Yazen123 commented 6 years ago

A very good idea i got from an issue comment (problems with Rc2 #232) The solution worked with me( iphone 6) the idea is to close all applications open, disconnect wifi and off 3g then wait for the cpu indicator to be steady in less than 5%. It will keep moving in between say 3 and 4.5 or 5 then only click on the jailbreak botton, it should work

HoldThemStill commented 6 years ago

Well, I am kinda new to the jailbreak world but I used to jailbreak all the time not so much anymore thought I'd give it a go and its been roughly 3 days and I've screwed it all up I downloaded a bad application witch made my g0blin and cydia crash after clicking, after a while i got mad at it and deleted g0blin on top of that I try to load cydia impactor and I get an error 57 it than changed to a provision cpp 168 error than into a error 87 followed by error progress.hpp 87 error than to a 159 error to a 138, I need help. any suggestions?

andrewathalye commented 6 years ago

Reboot, download latest Cydia Impactor, redownload rc2 ipa, check sha1, install ipa, reinstall bootstrap, jailbreak, and test again,

Yazen123 commented 6 years ago

andrewathalye, could you kindly tell me where do I find sha1 to check and where is the bootstrap option so I can reinstall it? Is sha1 an option in the Cydia impactor or in the Goblin app in the device? and is bootstrap an option in the goblin as well?

Holdthemstill, sorry no idea, I would suggest that you post your inquiry as a new issue in the main

andrewathalye commented 6 years ago

7-zip can tell you sha1 of the IPA file. By bootstrap I mean click the I button and then select to reinstall cydia.

Pyragon commented 6 years ago

Get the SHA1 from don't trust a hash a random gives you.

andrewathalye commented 6 years ago

Correction: Get the hash from the above website, and then check the ipa file's hash with (e.g.) 7-Zip As for why your phone is rebooting, put phone into aeroplane/flight mode and then wait until CPU usage is ~4.5% for a while.

Yazen123 commented 6 years ago

Thanks guys Mich appreciated!