Stigmatoz / web-activity-time-tracker

Chrome Extension that tracks and limits time you spent on sites
MIT License
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[Feature Request] Ability to quicky apply the same LIMIT I'm always setting #134

Open rajun274 opened 8 months ago

rajun274 commented 8 months ago


There's a game website that I try to stop myself from playing. Almost every day, I go to the LIMIT tab, type in the same long URL, click "Completely Block", and press "Add website." But it's always the same information every time, every day. It would be a whole lot easier if this process was simplified.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open the Options page
  2. Go to Limit tab
  3. Type in the website name, which is 16 keystrokes. Reminder: there's no spell check or validation, so it needs to be typed 100% correct.
  4. Click "Completely Block"
  5. Click "Add website"
  6. Follow this same exact process every day.

Expected result

By day 2, the app already knows that I recently set a LIMIT configuration for a particular website. Reapplying that same LIMIT should be very easy.

Actual result

It's 16 keystrokes (for my website; may be more for other users) and 2 clicks to apply the same LIMIT configuration I apply every day.

Potential solutions

In the LIMITs tab, add a section called "History". This would list the 5 most recent LIMIT configurations I had applied. For each list item, add a button called "Apply".
