There's a game website that I try to stop myself from playing. Almost every day, I go to the LIMIT tab, type in the same long URL, click "Completely Block", and press "Add website." But it's always the same information every time, every day. It would be a whole lot easier if this process was simplified.
Steps to reproduce
Open the Options page
Go to Limit tab
Type in the website name, which is 16 keystrokes. Reminder: there's no spell check or validation, so it needs to be typed 100% correct.
Click "Completely Block"
Click "Add website"
Follow this same exact process every day.
Expected result
By day 2, the app already knows that I recently set a LIMIT configuration for a particular website. Reapplying that same LIMIT should be very easy.
Actual result
It's 16 keystrokes (for my website; may be more for other users) and 2 clicks to apply the same LIMIT configuration I apply every day.
Potential solutions
In the LIMITs tab, add a section called "History". This would list the 5 most recent LIMIT configurations I had applied. For each list item, add a button called "Apply".
There's a game website that I try to stop myself from playing. Almost every day, I go to the LIMIT tab, type in the same long URL, click "Completely Block", and press "Add website." But it's always the same information every time, every day. It would be a whole lot easier if this process was simplified.
Steps to reproduce
Expected result
By day 2, the app already knows that I recently set a LIMIT configuration for a particular website. Reapplying that same LIMIT should be very easy.
Actual result
It's 16 keystrokes (for my website; may be more for other users) and 2 clicks to apply the same LIMIT configuration I apply every day.
Potential solutions
In the LIMITs tab, add a section called "History". This would list the 5 most recent LIMIT configurations I had applied. For each list item, add a button called "Apply".