This PR introduces a new abstract node transformer. This transformer provides a simple way to iterate all nodes in a document and change the output, while skipping over nodes within the document.
For example, if we had the following node transformer implementation:
use Stillat\BladeParser\Compiler\Transformers\NodeTransformer;
use Stillat\BladeParser\Nodes\DirectiveNode;
class CustomTransformer extends NodeTransformer
public function transformNode($node): ?string
if (! $node instanceof DirectiveNode || $node->content != 'custom') {
return null;
return '@include("something-here")';
we could transform a document like so:
use Stillat\BladeParser\Document\Document;
use Stillat\BladeParser\Document\DocumentOptions;
$doc = Document::fromText($template, documentOptions: new DocumentOptions(
withCoreDirectives: false,
customDirectives: ['custom', 'endcustom']
$result = (new CustomTransformer())->transformDocument($doc);
to produce the final result:
The beginning.
The end.
This PR introduces a new abstract node transformer. This transformer provides a simple way to iterate all nodes in a document and change the output, while skipping over nodes within the document.
For example, if we had the following node transformer implementation:
we could transform a document like so:
to produce the final result: