StingerTopGun / ContractHUD

Farming Simulator 2022 Mod - Helpful small HUD displaying the current completion percentage of all active contracts
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Dunkler Hintergrund für Contract HUD #7

Open Cassy-Blair opened 1 year ago

Cassy-Blair commented 1 year ago

Hallo ist es möglich dem Contract HUD einen dunklen Hintergrund zu geben wie es bei anderen HUD's im LS22 auch ist? Das Wäre für die Erkennbarkeit bei hellen Hintergründen, wie z.b. dem Himmel sehr hilfreich


TheGeremy commented 1 year ago

What is the mod on the very left side? Maybe I can somehow copy black backround into Contract HUD.

Cassy-Blair commented 1 year ago

What is the mod on the very left side? Maybe I can somehow copy black backround into Contract HUD.

Der Mod ganz links ist der Vehicle Inspector von HappyLooser und oben in der Mitte ist Courseplay.

Von der Aufteilung Feld - Prozent - Fortschrittsbalken finde ich den Mod genau perfekt für mich. Hatte mir auch schon deine Änderungen angeschaut, aber die sind mir etwas zu umfangreich. Mir fehlt da wie gesagt nur der dunkle Hintergrund im Original

TheGeremy commented 1 year ago

Hi Cassy, try my version release.

Cassy-Blair commented 1 year ago

Hi Cassy, try my version release.

Thx, for the new update with the new background. But i missing the percentage + progessbar


TheGeremy commented 1 year ago

I think that have % and also bar is useless, but as you wish. now you can choose from this display modes: 0 - field mission - display field number and field work type and also crop type if available, if progress display bar (default)

download my last release

Cassy-Blair commented 1 year ago

I think that have % and also bar is useless, but as you wish. now you can choose from this display modes: 0 - field mission - display field number and field work type and also crop type if available, if progress display bar (default)

* transport mission - display mission type and crop type, if progress display bar instead of remaining time (default)
  1 - field mission - display field number and field work type and also crop type if available, if progress display bar

* transport mission - display mission type and crop type, if progress display % number instead of required amount
  2 - field mission - display field number and field work type and also crop type if available, if progress display % number and bar

* transport mission - display mission type and crop type, if progress display % number and bar instead of required amount
  3 - field mission - display field number and field work type and also crop type if available, if progress display % number and bar

* transport mission - display crop type, display % number and also display destination
  4 = hide HUD

download my last release

Looks good now, but it still has an error in percent display. Percentages without decimal places are actually sufficient. So 1%, 2%, 3% etc. There is no need for 1.2%, 1.4% etc.

fsScreen_2022_10_08_23_35_38 fsScreen_2022_10_08_23_35_42

TheGeremy commented 1 year ago

fixed, take the last release, for more options read readme, please let me know if works for you