Stinky-Tofu / Stronger-yolo

🔥Improve yolo with latest paper
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missed anchor parameters? #61

Open LightToYang opened 5 years ago

LightToYang commented 5 years ago

It seems parameter anchors is not passed into function decode?

 pred_lbbox = decode(name='pred_lbbox', conv_output=conv_lbbox,
                                num_classes=self.__num_classes, stride=self.__strides[2])
pred_mbbox = decode(name='pred_mbbox', conv_output=conv_mbbox,
                                num_classes=self.__num_classes, stride=self.__strides[1])
pred_sbbox = decode(name='pred_sbbox', conv_output=conv_sbbox,
                                num_classes=self.__num_classes, stride=self.__strides[0])

def decode(name, conv_output, anchors, num_classes, stride):

Stinky-Tofu commented 5 years ago

Yes, it's anchor free @LightToYang

Apostatee commented 5 years ago

@Stinky-Tofu In original yolo paper, there are 9 default anchors: 3 anchors per feature map, so it has 3 channel per grid. Since your project is anchor free here, and gt_per_grid=3 ? When there are more than one object in one grid, the question is which object belongs to which channel? is it randomly chosen ?