StirlingCodingClub / studyGroup

Gather together a group to skill-share, co-work, and create community
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semin[r] | coding_club - Getting started #1

Closed anna-deasey closed 5 years ago

anna-deasey commented 5 years ago

Over the next couple of weeks Coding Clubbers could go through a tutorial about how to get started with GitHub and how the study group works? Below is a link to the Aberdeen Study Group website where they have done this:

Aberdeen Study Group - How to make a study group -

If @bradduthie is ok with preparing a topic for the meeting on the Wed 19th Sep, maybe we could start with a discussion about any coding-club/study-group progress and give a chance for people to make changes or offer improvements, before moving on to the next couple of week's topic?

bradduthie commented 5 years ago

Sounds like a good idea @anna-deasey -- I can prepare an introduction for 19 SEP to introduce everyone to GitHub (and to a lesser extent, git), then we can take it from there. Happy to see so many participants already joining the group!