StirlingCodingClub / studyGroup

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Introduction to GitHub #5

Open bradduthie opened 5 years ago

bradduthie commented 5 years ago

Focus of the event

This event will focus on introducing everyone to GitHub, a web-based hosting service for collaborative coding. I will introduce the key features of GitHub, and how GitHub can be especially useful for scientific projects, including collaborative coding and manuscript writing, and how it can be used to improve individual workflow. The primary goals of this event are as follows:

This event will not focus on the specifics of how to use git version control, which will instead be left to a future event (but all questions are welcome at any time, and can be posted as issues like this one in the studyGroup respository).

When and where

We will met on 19 SEP 2018 at 12:00 in 4U5 of the Cottrell building.

How to prepare

There is no need to do anything to prepare for this first meeting, and all are welcome to attend for help getting started with GitHub. But to for anyone keen to get started early, the official Introduction to GitHub is an excellent place to begin. If you wish to sign up and follow along at this event, then please bring a laptop.