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GitKraken set up? #8

Open jejoenje opened 5 years ago

jejoenje commented 5 years ago

So I thought I might as well post a question on here to see if this works. Playing around with GitKraken as per @bradduthie suggestion. Installed it (Ubuntu Linux) succesfully and seemed to have automatically authorised itself to my GitHub account, but I'm having trouble adding any of my existing repo's to it. GitKraken appears "empty" to start with but when I go to "Repository management" > "Open a Repository" and navigate to a folder which I know has a repo (as well as a remote on GitHub), GitKraken does not appear to "see" this - if I just open the folder I get the option to init a new one, which clearly isn't what I want... Any thoughts anyone?

bradduthie commented 5 years ago

@jejoenje I'll play around with this tonight. I have GitKraken installed on my office computer but not my laptop at home, so this should be a good way to troubleshoot a bit.

bradduthie commented 5 years ago

@jejoenje Just installed GitKraken on my laptop and gave this a try. It didn't seem to automatically recognise my GitHub account (I had to hit the button that said authorise, but since I was logged in already I didn't have to enter a password), but after I logged in through GitHub, then opened a folder that I knew had a repository, it found everything after I opened a repository ("(folder icon)" > "open a repository").

I'm not sure why this worked for me then. It might have something to do with me syncing everything with Dropbox (hence the repository is always identical between desktop and laptop) -- and maybe that I already have a GitKraken account, so it could have just updated everything; then again, the newly downloaded GitKraken only seems to have a history and recognition of the one repository that I just opened.

jejoenje commented 5 years ago

This is interesting, thanks for that @bradduthie. I've just installed on my (Mac) laptop and here it works fine. I will need to do some checking on the work machine when I'm back in the office next...