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Implement Real-Time Market Data Integration #68

Open royalpinto007 opened 1 year ago

royalpinto007 commented 1 year ago

To provide users with up-to-date and accurate market information, we aim to implement real-time market data integration into our trading website. This will allow users to access live price updates, market trends, and other relevant data for stocks, cryptocurrencies, and other financial instruments.


  1. Research and select a reliable market data provider or API that offers real-time data for stocks and cryptocurrencies.
  2. Integrate the selected market data provider into our website's backend infrastructure.
  3. Develop the necessary backend functionality to fetch and process real-time market data, including price updates, volume, and other relevant metrics.
  4. Design and implement frontend components to display the real-time market data in a visually appealing and user-friendly manner.
  5. Ensure that the market data is continuously updated and reflects the latest information from the selected data provider.
  6. Implement error handling and fallback mechanisms in case of any issues with the market data provider or connectivity.
  7. Test the real-time market data integration thoroughly, including different scenarios and edge cases, to ensure accurate and reliable data display.
  8. Optimize the integration for performance, considering potential high traffic and frequent data updates.
  9. Document the integration process and provide clear instructions on how to maintain and troubleshoot the real-time market data integration.
  10. Monitor the market data integration for any changes or updates from the selected data provider and adapt the integration accordingly.

By implementing real-time market data integration, we will enhance the trading experience for our users, providing them with valuable and timely information to make informed investment decisions. Let's collaborate to implement this feature and ensure our users have access to the most up-to-date market data on our website.

kartikayasija commented 1 year ago

I want to work on this, Please assign this issue to me under GSSOC'23

royalpinto007 commented 1 year ago

That's great to hear that you're interested in working on the issue! We appreciate your enthusiasm and willingness to contribute.

While we don't have a formal assignment process in place, you're more than welcome to start working on it. Please feel free to submit a pull request (PR) with your proposed changes whenever you're ready. Remember to follow our contribution guidelines and ensure that your implementation aligns with the project's overall goals and design principles.

If you have any questions or need guidance during the development process, don't hesitate to reach out to the team or open an issue for discussion. We're here to support you throughout your contribution.

Thank you for your contribution, and we look forward to reviewing your PR!

adityavpawar commented 1 year ago

Please assign me this issue so that I can resolve it under GSSOC-23

prakharSrivs commented 1 year ago

Hi @royalpinto007 Since the issue section seemed empty right now I have started working on building the API using coin gecko API It offers 10-30 calls per minute on the public version although on production we would require an API plan as the data is not fresh enough in the public one I was thinking may be we can store the data in the database on MongoDB and update it every 5 seconds And then that data can be fetched using a different route The coin gecko API does not support web sockets so we have to perform polling here