Run coverage run --source=gillespy2 --omit=gillespy2/solvers/stochkit/* test/ -m develop
2022-04-11 19:01:1[6](,310 - root - WARNING - Unsupported keyword argument to ODESolver solver: seed
2022-04-11 19:01:16,310 - root - WARNING - Unsupported keyword argument to ODESolver solver: seed
2022-04-11 19:01:16,316 - root - WARNING - Generating duplicate trajectories for model with ODE Solver. Consider running with only 1 trajectory.
2022-04-11 19:01:16,316 - root - WARNING - Generating duplicate trajectories for model with ODE Solver. Consider running with only 1 trajectory.
Traceback (most recent call last):
Running tests in develop mode. Appending repository directory to system path.
File "test\..\gillespy2\core\", line 10[7](, in run
return, increment=increment, timeout=timeout, **solver_args)
File "test\..\gillespy2\solvers\cpp\", line 261, in run
sim_status = self._run(sim_exec, args, decoder, timeout, display_args)
File "test\..\gillespy2\solvers\cpp\", line 247, in _run
return self._handle_return_code(return_code)
File "test\..\gillespy2\solvers\cpp\", line 165, in _handle_return_code
raise ExecutionError("Loop over integrate exceeded, problem space is too stiff")
gillespy2.core.gillespyError.ExecutionError: Loop over integrate exceeded, problem space is too stiff
The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "test/", line 52, in <module>
import test_all_solvers
File "D:\a\GillesPy2\GillesPy2\test\", line 35, in <module>
class TestAllSolvers(unittest.TestCase):
File "D:\a\GillesPy2\GillesPy2\test\", line 95, in TestAllSolvers
labeled_results_more_trajectories[] =, number_of_trajectories=2)
File "test\..\gillespy2\core\", line 1079, in run
) from e
gillespy2.core.gillespyError.SimulationError: argument 'solver=<gillespy2.solvers.cpp.tau_hybrid_c_solver.TauHybridCSolver object at 0x0000023063F4F04[8](>' to run() failed. Reason Given: Loop over integrate exceeded, problem space is too stiff