StochasticAnalytics / emClarity

GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Bypassing to the 'direct' use of emClarity's template matching pipeline #172

Open kexinliu0001 opened 1 month ago

kexinliu0001 commented 1 month ago


i am doing the template matching pipeline.

i have done the ts alignment and reconstruction, is it ok to just use the reconstructed bin8 tomograms to do template matching? it seems that emClarity need to read <aliStacks/ts_191.st_10.88Apx_ali1.fixed>, can i bypass it?

kexinliu0001 commented 1 month ago

as the related scrip is header = getHeader(MRCImage(stack,0)); in BH_multi_loadOrBuild, can i create a blank stack file just with the header information in the aliStacks folder?

bHimes commented 1 month ago

That might work, but if it does, it will only get you through the template matching stage. If you wanted to go on to subtomo alignment/classification, you would run into more problems, but maybe they would be worth you trying to sort out if your TM results are useful enough

(emClarity is meant to be an end to end pipeline. It is far too hard, given my time and resources, to try to ensure interoperability with other software)