"What if we had a thing where the user could see the repercussions of any given buy/sell order? Like March 11th - Purchased 7 Bob Stock - Up $4.17 - Earned $43.77 or March 18th - Sold 2 Bill Stock - Down $0.57 - Saved $2.04. Obviously, this would not be a v1.0 feature, but it would be trivial for me to start tracking it in the transaction tables for use later."
"What if we had a thing where the user could see the repercussions of any given buy/sell order? Like March 11th - Purchased 7 Bob Stock - Up $4.17 - Earned $43.77 or March 18th - Sold 2 Bill Stock - Down $0.57 - Saved $2.04. Obviously, this would not be a v1.0 feature, but it would be trivial for me to start tracking it in the transaction tables for use later."