StoreyLab / qvalue

R package to estimate q-values and false discovery rate quantities.
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Error in smooth.spline(lambda, pi0, df = smooth.df) : missing or infinite values in inputs are not allowed #14

Closed reventropy closed 6 years ago

reventropy commented 6 years ago

I'm analyzing a time series proteomics data set. Missing values necessitate that I run Edge on subsets of the data so that I have consistent replicates for each time point. Edge is failing on one of these subsets but I cannot figure out why. There are no -inf,inf of nan values in either the expression data or in the de_obj. I've attached the de_obj data frame if that helps. Thanks!


Thanks! Jeremy Jacobsen PRA, University of Colorado, Boulder

reventropy commented 6 years ago

Oops. I meant to post this issue under Edge.