Storingo / MI-449-SS17-740-js-localstorage-wMUDce

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Project Feedback #1

Open Storingo opened 7 years ago

Storingo commented 7 years ago

@chrisvfritz Can you take a look at this? It's hosted here and meets the following criteria:

chrisvfritz commented 7 years ago

Hmm, I'm getting a 404 at the hosted URL. Did you forget to deploy there or is Surge having some issues?

Storingo commented 7 years ago

Okay I believe I fixed it. I must have miss-typed something the first time.

chrisvfritz commented 7 years ago

I'm still getting the 404 unfortunately. 😕 I'm using this link:

Storingo commented 7 years ago

OK this time it should work. I redid surge and clicked the link in your last comment and it worked. I was very slow and extra careful typing it in this time.

chrisvfritz commented 7 years ago

Looking much better now! 👍 A few areas for improvement I see:

Using fallback values for cleaner code

This code works and is very readable:

if (visits === null) {
  visits = 1
} else {
  visits = parseInt(visits)
  visits = visits + 1

But it could actually be simplified slightly. In this case, any falsy value (e.g. NaN, 0) is something we wouldn't mind replacing. So using the "or" operator (||) from the previous lesson, we could simplify the code to:

visits = parseInt(visits) || 0
visits = visits + 1

Or, if you wanted to be really fancy, just:

visits = (parseInt(visits) || 0) + 1

A similar simplification could be made with the time variable:

var time = window.localStorage.getItem('timeOfDay')

if (time === null) {
  document.body.setAttribute('class', 'day-theme')
} else {
  document.body.setAttribute('class', time + '-theme')

Since again, we'd want to replace any possible falsy values (e.g. null, '') with 'day', we can simplify with || to:

var time = window.localStorage.getItem('timeOfDay') || 'day'
document.body.setAttribute('class', time + '-theme')

In this case, since there are actually multiple places where we'd want to update this class, I recommend putting the code above into an updateTheme (or similar) function.

Simplifying if statements

There's an if statement here that's a little overly complex:

if (timeOfDay === null) {
  timeOfDay = 'night'
} else if (timeOfDay === 'day') {
  timeOfDay = 'night'
} else {
  timeOfDay = 'day'

In this case, there are only 3 possible states: null, 'night', and 'day'. We only want to set the timeOfDay to 'day' when it's currently 'night'. Otherwise, we always set to 'night'. That means this simpler if statement will do the same work:

if (timeOfDay === 'night') {
  timeOfDay = 'day'
} else {
  timeOfDay = 'night'

time vs timeOfDay

I noticed there are two variables that store the same information here. Why not combine them into a single variable that is always kept up-to-date?

BONUS: Shorthand for a = a + x

This isn't something to be "fixed", but when you're adding something to a variable, like this:

visits = visits + 1

There's actually a shorthand in JavaScript (+=) that does the same thing:

visits += 1

As an aside, this also works for other math operators:

visits -= 1 // visits = visits - 1
visits /= 2 // visits = visits / 2
visits *= 3 // visits = visits * 3
Storingo commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the feedback, the code looks a lot cleaner using these simplifications I will definitely keep them in mind for future work. I have updated github and surge.

chrisvfritz commented 7 years ago

Great work! 🎉 :shipit: How did you feel about this project? Are there any lingering questions on your mind that I can answer?

Storingo commented 7 years ago

Nope all good here but thank you!