Stormforge-gg / Bugtracker-Fordring

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[Zone] Ulduar - Thorim Jormungar fight with npcs screwing with stuff #1919

Open Pinnen123 opened 1 year ago

Pinnen123 commented 1 year ago

The Jormungar behemoth fighting captured guardian npcs before Thorim fight are constantly screwing with logs and dps meters with their fighting.

check logs where basically any fight where you're close to the keeper ring, this interferes. Any way to fix that?

Godmatik commented 1 year ago

Not sure how it would be possible to fix that really - unless legacyplayers does a special workaround for that on his end (unlikely since the owner stopped supporting the site), or Fordring completely disables the RP element of the guards fighting the worm.

Pinnen123 commented 1 year ago

Yea I have no idea how a fix would be doable other than disabling the fight. It's just that I've never seen this type of behaviour before with "RP"-fights. this didn't happen afaik in for example drak'tharon where the trolls in the end of the dungeon fight