Stormforge-gg / Bugtracker-Mistblade

Official bugtracker for the mistblade realm.
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FFA not working as intended #1597

Open Sheepys81 opened 7 months ago

Sheepys81 commented 7 months ago

Realm where you noticed the issue: MB2

Description: FFA nor working correctly where one group member can loot everything but the other can only loot a few bodies during a pull of 15+

Current behaviour: One person cant loot all bodies when FFA is enabled. even when ffa has been turned off and on and group has been remade Northerend cloth scavenging is not learned by any of the chars involved

Expected behaviour: any person in the group can loot the whole group of bodies

Cold-Martijn commented 7 months ago

The person with troubles looting should try downloading a new client (or swap the wow.exe files out for the ones from minimal client).

There was a moment where the available client download was faulty and had a loot issue. If problems still persist after using a new client, then idk.

Please let me know if it worked or not. Preferably with a video if it still does not work.

Sheepys81 commented 7 months ago

Problem has not appeared again, my thoughts were the mobs specifically were causing an issue with dealing loot but i have no idea what im talking about. but will test tomorrow at the same location. this is not an issue ive encountered on the server before this point so it being the client would be strange? Client from Mid january 24. Ive done lots of group content with 0 issues up to this point including using FFA both with a big level difference and none. first time ive done it at this location and the issue was there.

Drokal commented 7 months ago

Addressing "client issue" - a similar problem was happening on MB1 (so most likely it is not a client issue), it seems connected with how AoE loot is working. (edit: on tauri it was present too + it seems to be affecting all the cata farming spots not only this one, but probably it isn't cata issue, issue is that only cata has valid AoE farms)

What we have here might be way more complex.

There is some issue with how AoE loot is handled (personal and FFA). Sometimes on FFA if you try to loot mobs. u need to press the right mouse button on them twice to get all the loot that dropped (especially if there are many corpses in the same spot), and sometimes the loot u get contains way fewer items than it probably should (assuming drop rates and experience), and by less, I mean values like 1/3 of the items u are getting from mobs usually.

It might be connected to the issue stated in this report, e.g. if we assume that not all of the loot goes to the person that right-clicked corpses to get loot (at least not always), then the second person in the team can loot the remaining loot on FFA rules (cuz first person just didn't loot everything that dropped).

But this is pretty hard to test and fit into the proper bug report. My suggestion would be to figure out why AoE looting does not always assign whole loot to looting person on FFA or personal loot, and possibly work on that. But that might be just some MoP issue since AoE loot here is pretty primitive + there aren't many sources on how it should work and how it was working on retail 5.0 - 5.4.

Sheepys81 commented 7 months ago

As it stands i was not able to replicate it. with switching back and forward between group loot -> ffa. doing dungeons etc various activies done around the time this happened to no avail. ive tried 3 different clients from different eras of Pservers with no difference aswell.