Stormforge-gg / Bugtracker-Mistblade

Official bugtracker for the mistblade realm.
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Pets getting taunted #1708

Open sp00per opened 1 month ago

sp00per commented 1 month ago

Pets will keep on attacking the person that taunted them, after the taunt effect is over, instead of returning to their previous action. Say for example your pet is on passive and following you and not attacking anyone, a Warrior taunts it for 3 seconds and instead of returning to following you it will stay attacking until you command it to follow. Second example is you have your pet attacking a Shaman, a Warrior taunts pet for 3 seconds and instead of returning back to the Shaman it stays hitting Warrior until you command it back to the previous target (which you can only do after the taunt expires). It did not use to be like this, on this very server I remember learning how pets behave to taunts and they used to return back to their previous command. This is just terrible in arenas where every single player has random taunt arenapet macroed to spells. As a Warlock I need to have total control over my pet and where he is this makes it that i constantly need to manually change his target or make him return to me after every single mindlessly spammed taunt by the enemies.

Here's even some retail proof: At 2:36 on the right corner of his screen you can see his taunt go on cooldown, enemy Voidlord gets taunted and goes to the warrior and at 2:40 Voidlord returns to his previous target which was the hunter.

Also I'm not too sure on this but I think taunt's shouldn't work at all on pets that are not attacking and are just following or moving to a location. Here is once again a retail clip. At 8:21 you see the Warrior taunt a pet but since it's just following it's caster it does not even attack him. The taunt does nothing as the pet is not commanded to attack.

fautquejyailla commented 1 month ago

please fix this it is making pet classes close to unplayable.. :/