Stormforge-gg / Bugtracker-Mistblade

Official bugtracker for the mistblade realm.
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Mob Draw Distance #593

Open Foodlenz opened 2 years ago

Foodlenz commented 2 years ago

Description: Seems like the draw distance for mobs, when they pop in/become visible to the player is low. It's not too bad normally, but when in a vehicle it seems to be lowered further still.

Current behaviour: Mob's can't be seen that should be able to be seen.

Expected behaviour: The draw distance shouldn't be reduced to a point that vehicle based quest mobs aren't visible.

[Quest] Massacre At Light's Point Using the cannons to attack the alliance on the shore, you'll pass hundreds of soldiers as your mine cart makes its way to the ship, but once you hop into the cannon most of them vanish. You can fire at the seemingly empty space and still score kills though. (don't have a video of this one).

[Quest] Bloodied Skies This one has you shoot the mantids out of the air. But currently you can barely see any mantid in the air compared to the retail video. Leaving the cannon and flying up to where they should be shows them to be there somewhat, mob count is still low though.

[Quest] Mantid Under Fire This is the one where you toss oil and fire down on the mantids. Sometimes they'll appear and you can see them to target, but generally after you kill a group of them they wont show back up despite actually having respawned down there. In the video i napalm a seemingly empty patch of ground and score a hit, then when I exit the vehicle and fly down and it finally pops them all into view.

Mistblade: Bloodied Skies - Retail: Mantid Under Fire - Retail:

Vishiswaz commented 2 years ago

Yep if they want to keep the draw distance load to take pressure off the server, they need to make it so that it increases for quests where it's needed.