Stormwind99 / FoodFunk

Minecraft mod: What is that funky smell in my backpack? Food spoils over time unless preserved. Configure any item to rot, any container to preserve items.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
10 stars 8 forks source link

[Incompatibility/Bug] Incompatibility with Pam's Harvestcraft #49

Open obsidian29 opened 5 years ago

obsidian29 commented 5 years ago

Describe the bug While using Pam's Harvestcraft 1.12.2 and Food Funk 4.6.1, vanilla carrots and potatoes planted using both mods render as a full-block null. The block seems to behave as normal with the exception of not being able to use right-click to harvest as added by Harvestcraft.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Use both Harvestcraft and Food Funk. Other mods do not seem to affect it.
  2. Attempt to plant a carrot or potato from the item in the Harvestcraft tab.
  3. See error.

Expected behavior I expected it to render normally.

Logs latest.log

Config files

Screenshots 2018-11-23_14 38 44

Additional context I have also reported this bug to Pam's Harvestcraft, as I am not sure whose side this issue is on. I hope something can be worked out, as both mods are awesome and integral parts of my Minecraft experience!

Thanks for reading, and for the awesome work on the mod.

EternalShadow17 commented 4 years ago

plz if this can be fixed it would be great I realy want to use both on my 1.12 modpack

Studly234 commented 4 years ago


I do realize the date on this post, but I have found a solution to the missing textures. Under the food funk mod settings, under "rotting" tab, disable the "replace special vanilla things". That fixed the texture issue for me. I think it's a conflict because harvestcraft removes the vanilla carrot and potato from the game (you can see in the creative tab they are missing)

Hope this helps!

Stormwind99 commented 4 years ago

Thanks - that makes sense, as both Harvestcraft and Food Funk would be trying to replace the vanilla carrot and potato.

For the rot state to persist across placement in Minecraft's odd object model, Food Funk needs place-able food like carrots and potatoes to have TileEntites (when placed as Blocks in the world) so the Rot capability can be attached to them when they are placed (planting them converts them from ItemStacks (+Item) to TileEntities(+Block)).

I'm not sure there is a solution to this problem in Minecraft + Forge that can work with both mods loaded. I'll keep watching for one.