Stormwind99 / FoodFunk

Minecraft mod: What is that funky smell in my backpack? Food spoils over time unless preserved. Configure any item to rot, any container to preserve items.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
10 stars 8 forks source link

More dynamic configuration options, for EVERYTHING #84

Open Pseudonomenclature opened 3 years ago

Pseudonomenclature commented 3 years ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. It's a shame this mod only supports configuration for things like item spoilage times and container preservation values for vanilla items and a few handful of mods. This is not great for things like modpacks. There is a much easier solution for this.

Describe the solution you'd like Update the config so that these two things exist as lists, where players and modpack makers can add new elements to said lists with the item/storage/dimension IDs themselves with their respective spoilage values, so that compatibility does not have to be added manually. Elements in the lists would look like "minecraft:apple,7,foodfunk:rottenfood", where 7 is the spoilage value in days to spoil, and the second item is the item that it spoils in to, which can also be left empty (or left as minecraft:air) if it spoils into nothing. Players can then just easily add their own elements like "biomesoplenty:bowlofrice,45,foodfunk:rottenfood", or "avaritia:cosmic_meatballs,-1,minecraft:air". The same goes for storage and dimensions. Something like for example "block,preservationvalue" for storage and "dimID,spoilagevalue" for dimensions.

This would make things a lot easier for modpack makers, as it would allow for them to create manual compatibility without the mod having to be updated for it.

MagmaBro123 commented 2 years ago

Dead mod. Not happening.