Here, I want you to post pieces of (open-source) software that could be integrated into Galaxy. To make a start:
MSeasy R Package - GC-MS preprocessing in R, integrates the NIST MS Search software (version 2.0+)
NIST MS PepSearch - Fiehn Lab: Free (open source?) commandline clone of NIST MS Search. Performs MS/MS batch scoring with a slightly different algorithm than NIST MS Search.
PyNISTPL - Edwards Lab: "interfaces to the NIST MS Search Engine libraries to provide easy to use command-line searching and construction of peptide spectrum libraries"
Here, I want you to post pieces of (open-source) software that could be integrated into Galaxy. To make a start:
NIST MS Search
software (version 2.0+)NIST MS Search
. Performs MS/MS batch scoring with a slightly different algorithm thanNIST MS Search