Storyyeller / Krakatau

Java decompiler, assembler, and disassembler
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.97k stars 220 forks source link


Closed ysangkok closed 11 years ago

ysangkok commented 11 years ago

This code, compiled with javac 1.7.0_21:

// This software is subject to the terms of the IBM Jikes Test Suite
// License Agreement available at the following URL:
// Copyright (C) 1996, 1999, International Business Machines Corporation
// and others.  All Rights Reserved.
// You must accept the terms of that agreement to use this software.

interface order extends cost {
  int quantity();

interface cost {
  int price();

class Food implements cost {
  int costofitem;

  Food(int i) {
    costofitem = i + 2;

  public int price() {
    return costofitem;


class Cans implements order {
  int costofitem;
  int stock;

  Cans(int i, int j) {
    costofitem = i;
    stock = j;

  public int price() {
    return costofitem;

  public int quantity() {
    return stock;


class megadeth {

   public static void main (String aa[]) {
     cost costarray[], costcans[];
     int result, ok;
     costarray = new cost[5];
     costcans = new cost[5];
     for (int i=0; i< 5; i++) {
       costarray[i] = new Food(i);
       costcans[i] = new Cans(i, i+2);
     costarray[0] = new Cans(15, 3);

     result = 3; ok = 0;
     Cans canarray[];
     try {
       canarray = (Cans[])costcans;
       result = result + canarray[1].price();
     catch (ClassCastException e) {
      ok = ok + 1;

     canarray = new Cans[5];
     System.arraycopy(costcans, 0, canarray, 0, 5);
     if (canarray[2].price() == 2) ok = ok + 1;

     try {
      canarray = (Cans[])costarray;
      result = result + canarray[1].price();
     catch (ClassCastException e) {
      ok = ok + 1;

     try {
      System.arraycopy(costarray, 0, canarray, 0, 5);
      result = result + canarray[1].price();
     catch (ArrayStoreException e) {
      if (canarray[0].price() == 15) 
        ok = ok + 1;

     if (ok != 4) result = result + 5;

Produces following exception upon decompilation:

Loading megadeth
Decompiling method <init> ()V
Decompiling method main ([Ljava/lang/String;)V
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/www/temp/Krakatau/", line 126, in <module>
    decompileClass(path, targets, args.out)
  File "/var/www/temp/Krakatau/", line 82, in decompileClass
    source = deco.generateSource()
  File "/var/www/temp/Krakatau/Krakatau/java/", line 76, in generateSource
    method_defs = map(self._getMethod, self.methods)
  File "/var/www/temp/Krakatau/Krakatau/java/", line 54, in _getMethod
    code_ast = MethodDecompiler(method, graph, self.forbidden_identifiers).generateAST()
  File "/var/www/temp/Krakatau/Krakatau/java/", line 505, in generateAST
    ast_root, varinfo = astgen.createAST(method, self.graph, setree, self.namegen)
  File "/var/www/temp/Krakatau/Krakatau/java/", line 345, in createAST
    astroot = _createASTSub(info, seroot)
  File "/var/www/temp/Krakatau/Krakatau/java/", line 295, in _createASTSub
    new = _createASTBlock(info, current.node, gotoMap)
  File "/var/www/temp/Krakatau/Krakatau/java/", line 189, in _createASTBlock
    expr = ast.Assignment(info.var(n2, inv), info.var(node, outv))
  File "/var/www/temp/Krakatau/Krakatau/java/", line 64, in var
    self._vars[var, node.num] = new = self._newVar(var, node.num)
  File "/var/www/temp/Krakatau/Krakatau/java/", line 46, in _newVar
    tt = self._tts[var]
Storyyeller commented 11 years ago

Should be fixed now.