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Uploading map unit polygons #5

Open JEAndrew opened 2 years ago

JEAndrew commented 2 years ago

Most digital GIS data for geologic maps has a simple data format with usually only the map unit label as data attached to polygons. Sometimes there may be a relate file with the data for the map unit labels. The StraboSpot database stores the map unit data differently. When I upload the a geologic map unit polygon, all I get is the polygon. I want the unit label as a tag, so the database needs to have several filled fields to achieve this. Currently when I u-load the unitlabel is not present in the observable database. We need to have the unit label become the tag

(1) Surface feature type = rock unit . We could ask at the upload stage whether this shapefile is a geologic rock unit file to start this process. (2) Then the add/remove geologic unit (tag) dialog to fill out the attributes. Ideally, all of this info would be filled in, in practice it usually isn't, it greatly expands the file database size. But with the StraboSpot tag system it ends up as more of a relate file. The geologic age information can be autofilled for most geologic units, the first letter of the rock unit label is usually the geologic age (example of Jg, the J indicates it is Jurassic). Most rock unit labels follow a standardized set of unit label prefixes, with a few odd characters for (a weird C for Cambrian) and a double-barred P for Pennsylvanian). Thus for many unit labels the tag data for the Geologic age fields can be autofilled from the Map unit label prefix. We could have such a look-up table for geologic age on the upload page, so user could format their data to optimize autofill. I could easily make such a table.

JEAndrew commented 2 years ago

The current result of a geologic unit upload was to get the ROCK UNIT/Rock Unit/Geologic Unit to be "3949 Spots", this was the number of polygon spots in my shapefile. Every polygon in the uploaded spot database has this label.

JEAndrew commented 2 years ago

The tag color corresponds to the geologic age also, this is another aspect that could be automated.