StrandedKitty / streets-gl

🗺 OpenStreetMap 3D renderer powered by WebGL2
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Let click on building_parts redirect to main building information #112

Open Matthias84 opened 1 year ago

Matthias84 commented 1 year ago

Hi, I :heart: the popup info feature and enjoy the hightlighted wireframe. Unfortunatly you often hit the building parts, which don't contain any general infos about the building object itself (addr, webpage, ...).

How about a change that the click will first select the (surrounding) main building polygon and show useful enduser information, like POI info boxes at or ? Or building related infos only (e.g. level count, construction date, ...) and move all the OSM tag details to a "advanced" tab?

Maybe related to #98 but in a non rendering way?