StrandedKitty / streets-gl

🗺 OpenStreetMap 3D renderer powered by WebGL2
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Add Button to retrieve and render current data #143

Open kayD opened 1 year ago

kayD commented 1 year ago

In the past, Streets GL used current data from the Overpass API. This ensured rapid verifiability of one's edits.

This was an essential part of my editing workflow, because verification is essential for complex buildings. Currently, I feel unable to edit complex buildings because I cannot check the results in Streets GL. (Admittedly, I do this also for pleasure of viewing it there.)

As I understood it (from here, a vector tile cache is implemented and used instead, that is updated only once a week. This seems appropriate for many users and uses, but not for verification of edits.

Therefore the enhancement request:

sekerob commented 1 year ago

If an on-the-fly tile update could be achieved that would be marvellous in replacement of the Ctrl+P key now archived. 1 tile at the time, or maybe the tile at centre of screen plus the 8 around it... don't know the area of a tile.

(I've reverted to F4 to check buildings, albeit the gloss is missing. New adds work near immediate, changes not so much.)

kayD commented 1 year ago

I would also love this (did not know about the Ctrl-P key before, found it as #20 ) behaviour instead of my initial suggestion: