StrandedKitty / streets-gl

🗺 OpenStreetMap 3D renderer powered by WebGL2
MIT License
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Random plants #152

Closed DerKarlos closed 1 month ago

DerKarlos commented 11 months ago

At the distance, the forest trees and bushes looked a bit regularly placed. I changed to the more random logic, as I found it at OSM2World: Both (Streets+OSM2World) uses tiles/boxes to render a part of a forest etc. O2W uses bigger ons and renders 100 Trees per Box! I added this code, but optimizend to other values. As more random plants show les dense with gaps, I added more plants. The FPS seems not to increase much. Feel free to test other values yourselves.

O2W, only by comment, intended to have a minimum distance between the points. I implemented it.

O2W used "seed" for the random to get a reproducible tree distribution at reload etc. I used SeededRandom and it seems to work well.

DerKarlos commented 11 months ago

Looks like I managed it, to merge my "Hadron" into my/our "Random plants". I don't know about package-lock.json, may be just ignore it? The changes were done as I run "npm i"

StrandedKitty commented 11 months ago

You probably have a different environment (different node.js or npm version) compared to mine, that's why your package-lock.json is different. But it's required for deployment, it's there to make sure that when the app is deployed all the package version are the same as on the local machine. I think you shouldn't have removed it, it should stay the same because your changes don't affect any modules. I'll fix it myself later.