StrandedKitty / streets-gl

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Trees appear too bulky in some places on the map #49

Closed ivanbranco closed 1 year ago

ivanbranco commented 1 year ago

I wanted to take a look of how Streets GL rendered the Gundam (F4 for comparison here): image

But trees cover it: image

Based on aerial imagery F4 looks more similar to reality (Bing imagery): image maybe trees should be smaller by default? In my city also they look too bulky

p.s. have you considered enabling "Discussions" (e.g. so we can discuss things there are not proper bugs?

c-h-r-i-s-t-i-a-n commented 1 year ago

Is the height - value on trees evaluated in

StrandedKitty commented 1 year ago

Is the height - value on trees evaluated in

Yes, it is supported for individual trees and tree rows.

ivanbranco commented 1 year ago

A 953m tree compared to normal trees image

sekerob commented 1 year ago

Who actually maps trees and rows with (estimated) heights and diameters? I don't, never ever, not encountered a natural / monumental tree that warrants the effort. Species could tell a little, orchard olives are 5-6m at best. Those street side certainly are pruned, all branches chopped to at least 5m from ground. Pines in the city usually have only the crown and in fact the Riserva Naturale Pineta here shows old to very old, only crown. Just added levels to apartment blocks on Via del Santuario, 7 at left, 5 at right, the pines lining the streets are reaching the top of the 4th floor.


PS for the exercize added height 13 to the pine tree rows to see the effect,

Edit: Change after adding estim.heights and solar panels on left bottom church roof, mapped as areas, tagged with location=roof (would be nice if those rendered).


westnordost commented 1 year ago

A 953m tree compared to normal trees

It's the mana tree from Secret of Mana! ;-)

Anyway, I compiled a small list of tags interesting for rendering in streets-gl from the information in the wiki in the hopes that this summary will be useful:


Your tree models are roughly 1:2, i.e. double as high as wide. So:

circumference of the trunk is set on a lot of trees, because it is easy to measure on foot (may even be a StreetComplete quest one day). diameter also exists. diameter = circumference / PI. A very rough estimate would be diameter_crown = diameter * 30. Hence:

Type of tree

Specific models for specific trees

(Over the top / blue sky:)

For certain (families of) trees with specific appearance that are often used as , I guess you need to look in any of genus, species, species:wikidata, taxon and even species:<language>, genus:<language> to find which tree is which with best coverage. Examples of trees with a special look and that are used often in cities from the top of my head:

However, I think such detection would warrant a separate library project that heavily makes use of wikidata data best written in a language that can compile to various targets (JS, native, ...), e.g. in Kotlin or Rust. Such a library project could then maybe also make predictions on the width, height, relation to trunk diameter etc.

benoit-dd commented 1 year ago

I think that most tree height are integrated from opendata bases (for exemple in Paris: this tree comes probably from this database)

Another funny example nearby: image key value
height 60
leaf_type broadleaved
min_height 57
natural tree

It has probably been tagged so to look fine in f4map. but it's probably a pretty rare case

I think location=roof+height=3 would be a better tagging and that it should give the same result.

About sekerob comment on solar panel, I think location=roof should be used to put whatever (trees, pools, pitches,solarpanels?) on top of roofs (should it be a separate issue)?

VladimirMorozov commented 1 year ago

Units of measurement seem to be ignored diameter=15 cm,24.75283,29.75,132.25,1319.15 изображение

StrandedKitty commented 1 year ago

Units of measurement seem to be ignored diameter=15 cm

Thank you for reporting this. I've added support for "cm" units, it's fine now.

ivanbranco commented 1 year ago


Now: image

Seems fixed, thanks!