StrangeBeeCorp / TheHive-feedback

TheHive 5 feedback repository
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[Bug] Custom fields sort alphabetically and not how arranged in case template #14

Open aacgood opened 1 year ago

aacgood commented 1 year ago

Request Type


Work Environment

Question Answer
OS version (server) N/A
OS version (client) N/A
Virtualized Env. True
Dedicated RAM
TheHive version 5.0.12-1
Package Type Docker
Database Cassandra
Index type Elasticsearch / Lucene
Attachments storage
Browser type & version Chrome

Problem Description

Custom fields in a case are in alphabetical order and not in the drag/dropped order specified in the case template. This has user experience impact to the creation of a case as filling in the required custom fields will be out of logical flow.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. As an admin user, create a new case template
  2. Add a number of custom fields to the template
  3. Drag and Drop them into your required logical order (which wont be alphabetical)
  4. As an analyst user, create a new case in TheHive using that new template
  5. Observe that the Custom Fields are listed in Alphabetical order and not as specified in the case template

Possible Solutions