StrangeLoopGames / EcoIssues

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USER ISSUE: Active constitution not contained in a capitol cannot be overwritten and breaks election page #19874

Open netlanru opened 3 years ago

netlanru commented 3 years ago

\ Version: beta release-136

Steps to Reproduce: Try to vote for a "possibly specially created" proposed constitution created by the player Canary on the official server "[SLG] Giant Panda"

Expected behavior:

  1. Doesn't let you vote. 2.http: // not available in manual mode. 500 error

Actual behavior: Было получено следующее сообщение об ошибке:

Server encountered an exception:

<size=60.00%>Exception: FileNotFoundException

File name: 'NetFabric.Hyperlinq, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'
   at Eco.Gameplay.Civics.ElectionManager.CanStartForActions(User user, Election election)
   at Eco.Gameplay.Civics.Elections.Election.Start(User user, Boolean notify, Boolean force)
   at Eco.Gameplay.Civics.Elections.Election.Start(Player player)

Outer Exceptions:
Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.</size>

Do you have mods installed? Does the issue happen when no mods are installed?:

**Please provide log files. Instruction is here


netlanru commented 3 years ago

If there is no active server administrator. An example of the use of vulnerability: creating a law for unclaim of all territories. vote yes. create this kind of constitutional overthrow

IcedForge commented 3 years ago

@netlanru Thank you for reporting this. What was your username and localization setting at the time? Was there an unusual name / tags involved in the civic object?

As for manual voting using the ip/dns of the server directly will never work to vote as it requires you to login to the web interface via the game to have a correct key linked to your ingame user to be able to vote.

netlanru commented 3 years ago

What was your username and localization setting at the time? Was there an unusual name / tags involved in the civic object?

My username: Heidenlarm My localization setting at the time: UTC+3:00 (Russia, Moscow) Name to vote: Ratify Bison Constitution (draft) in Linuas's Capitol

Throws it out of the server when trying to start voting. Server web face gives error 500 anyway

More details can be seen on the server "[SLG] Giant Panda" at the moment. Problem now

IcedForge commented 3 years ago

There were no hacking anywhere involved, the issue originated from a constitution that was voted for and active but not contained on a capitol causing permissions to go haywire, this needs further investigation to determine reproduction steps as it is a bug.

IcedForge commented 3 years ago

Screenshot_26 Screenshot_27

Trying to replace the active not contained item throws the OP's exception

IcedForge commented 3 years ago

When i looked into the bison constitution as well it was completely empty of all articles Screenshot_25

IcedForge commented 3 years ago

solved the situation on Giant Panda by force removing the active non contained constitution via /objects remove constitution, id + a server restart to clear all remaining cache issues