StrangeLoopGames / EcoIssues

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Wrong System requirements for Linux, took from Unity page #21410

Closed JanzenJohn closed 3 years ago

JanzenJohn commented 3 years ago

The Unity engine on Linux does need gnome running as the Desktop Enviroment to function

This could be turning players away that don't want to run gnome on their system (To be fair Linux users that don't use gnome and are Eco players are probably not many)

The requirement is in reality gtk [Gimp Toolkit] that is used for most gnome UI

How do I know this ? I'm not running gnome / only using gtk for theming my install, and it runs

I know this is taken from the Unity page for system requirements, and I have contacted Unity support. Still wanted to have this changed here, as you are probably faster with this.

Why is this relevant ? For most users of other Desktop Enviroments, Gnome looks ugly and uses too many system resources.

D3nnis3n commented 3 years ago

We do not officially support either Linux nor Mac - the system requirements are hence not valid for them, as we don't support those OS at all.

What exactly are you seeking?

D3nnis3n commented 3 years ago

I guess youre not talking about the system requirements on website or steam? Those don't mention gnome at all.

JanzenJohn commented 3 years ago

I was talking about this page, on this repo

JanzenJohn commented 3 years ago

We do not officially support either Linux nor Mac - the system requirements are hence not valid for them, as we don't support those OS at all.

What exactly are you seeking?

Wierd, I could install it on steam without any compatibility layer (aka runs native)

IcedForge commented 3 years ago

Just to clarify, We do not support it does not mean we do not offer a linux / mac client however any issues these may have outside of the game specific issues that is not a side effect from the OS client itself is not expected to be worked on in the same priority.

D3nnis3n commented 3 years ago

I added a note with link to this issue.