StrangeLoopGames / EcoIssues

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USER ISSUE: 2x Random crashes #23627

Open Laredo09 opened 1 year ago

Laredo09 commented 1 year ago

Good day.

Just had 2 crashes within ~45 minutes.

First one was shortly after server update, carrying a stack of crushed shale, running through the grasslands. Second one was moving a full cart of crushed coal and crushed shale. Went to pick up the cart to move it and crash.

Playing the latest "playtest" version on White Tiger. In game name is Laredo. See attached Player.txt and Player-prev.txt

Thank you!

Laredo - 2x Crashes Player + Prev

Laredo09 commented 1 year ago

Two more crashes. Was just standing still. Walked away from the computer and game was crashed when I returned.

Please see attached. Looks like its a D3D11 issue?

Thanks again.

Laredo - 2x Crashes

Laredo09 commented 1 year ago

Couple more crashes. 2 of them generated actual crash reports. see attached. thanks. Laredo - 2x Crashes Laredo 2x Crashes

Laredo09 commented 1 year ago

Another crash. Thanks.

IazLur commented 1 year ago

Hey, I am having the same issue. My fps drops first and then boom, random crash. I am tired of it. Everytime the same thing, the same fps drops, and finally the same crash. It never ends.

Laredo09 commented 1 year ago

Hey, I don't notice any FPS drop prior.. it just crashes while I'm going about my business..

One more last night, another 3 this morning already. 2 generated proper reports. See attached.