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Right-Click "Put" not being recognized as a valid option on Dadspeed Server unless you relog several times. #24840

Closed ECO-ExPLiCiT closed 1 month ago

ECO-ExPLiCiT commented 6 months ago

Here are a couple of screenshots with the debug overlay active. The one with the big red X is when the right-click unload isn't working and the one with the big red OK is when the right-click unload is working. Notice the differences I circled and highlighted:



D3nnis3n commented 6 months ago

This should already be fixed in Update 10.2, please reopen the issue if that is not the case. (You can try the playtest version soon)

ECO-ExPLiCiT commented 5 months ago

I request that this be reopened as it is still an issue even after update.

D3nnis3n commented 5 months ago

Alright, please provide reproduction steps so we can investigate - we're not able to get this issue.

ECO-ExPLiCiT commented 5 months ago

Just log into Dadspeed. While it doesn't happen 100% of the time it still around 90%

D3nnis3n commented 5 months ago

Thanks, but to investigate we need to be able to recreate the issue in a local testing environment on Unity - a different server won't do unfortunately. (And as far as that goes, the issue hasn't been reported anywhere else yet and isn't reproducible on official servers either)

So anyone that can provide additional information that could help recreate the issue is very welcome to write here and can be redirected here.

ECO-ExPLiCiT commented 5 months ago

Dad speed is not the only place people have experienced the problem. Manly Mutt found it happened even on White Tiger before but I have no idea how you would "re-create" it without being on a server its already happening on. I think if we could figure out what is causing it on the server we are on we could fix it ourselves.

D3nnis3n commented 5 months ago

There is no doubt the issue is being experienced, it has been brought up to developers and was considered resolved with changes in 10.2 when it didn't appear during playtest anymore. After your request to reopen and the issue being reopened, reproduction steps were requested by developers as reproduction was neither possible on official servers nor in a local test environment anymore - in opposite to before the mentioned changes. Hence any information that can help reproducing the issue in a standard environment by developers will be very appreciated as that is necessary for further investigation at this point.

What is meant with reproduction here is how a developer can reliably recreate the issue on a local development environment. I for example am not able to get the issue at all anymore since 10.2 - that includes White Tiger. That doesn't mean it is not existing, only that there is something else to it. (Like it unfortunately tends to be the case sometimes, for example with double avatars that noone but a single person in the team has ever seen themselves, but clearly are around constantly for some users)

As such any additional information on what might cause this behaviour is appreciated. QA is trying to find out steps in the meanwhile just as well and the task is internally logged and marked for a hotfix if a reproduction case for fixing can be found. Sole random appearance on any, but especially non-standard, servers unfortunately is not helpful in this case, that's why we are requesting additional info.

It is standard procedure that any given issue needs to be reproduced by a developer in their environment to be investigated and fixed, especially for complex issues that aren't apparent from looking at related code or simple logical attempts. For issues that happen randomly or with specific frequency that is generally hard, but every issue has a cause and it's only a matter of time until that is found. Information on affected users, their activity, server load, latency, etc. can all be helpful just as well as recognized patterns.

WhistleTips2 commented 5 months ago

As this is quite annoying, I'd like to help out as best as I can. Unfortunately, the best way that we (as players) can communicate the reproduction steps is to advise you to log in to the dadspeed server to observe it. I too have experienced this on other servers as well but it's much more intermittent. It's much more consistent on dadspeed.

Should we reach out to the server owners to see if we can share the save files with you to run locally? How can we assist on reproducing this in your environment? We know how to reproduce it on our end, but not sure how to help you do the same on your end.

Mr-Cakes commented 5 months ago

Good afternoon.

This remains an issue on all 4 of Greenleaf's servers. There are no reliable steps to reproduce the bug - just attempting to put an item into a receiving container results occasionally in the player being unable to complete this task, this remains the case for the player until they reconnect to the server, though this does not always fix it. I have attempted to intentionally reproduce the bug to no avail, though it does seem more likely to occur when first attempting to input the items when the container is highlighted green but the player is out of range to place it in, when moving within range again this seems to still be preventing. This is however an unreliable way of reproducing the bug.

I note from Dadspeed's discord server that many Dadspeed players believed this to be a bug particular to Dadspeed, I can confirm that this is not the case and it is, as far as I am aware, present on all servers but I do not know the exact steps to reproduce the bug.

D3nnis3n commented 5 months ago

Just to reiterate again: I did not claim it is not happening on other servers and If i was understood like that I'm sorry. I meant we are not able to reproduce the issue in any of the environments suitable for investigation, but that is what we currently need.

Savegames could always be helpful, if its related to anything within the world. Locations of where it appears frequently if there is any difference in that would be helpful as well. Checking with as many users as you can how frequently they have it to identify differences is also helpful (and then compare to their latency, etc.). Basically trying to get a picture what users are affected most and which least, what each are doing, where and how the server load is at that time and what latency of the player is. As well as any information you could think of - anything could be the pointer to the solution.

D3nnis3n commented 5 months ago

I have attempted to intentionally reproduce the bug to no avail, though it does seem more likely to occur when first attempting to input the items when the container is highlighted green but the player is out of range to place it in, when moving within range again this seems to still be preventing. This is however an unreliable way of reproducing the bug.

This is nontheless exactly the kind of information we are looking for and that was so far unknown. Clear reproduction is often not directly achievable, but any hints on how to trigger something with higher likelyness is already very good.

Also please note that in regard to "reported" we mean reported either here on GitHub, via support mail (often used by people not wanting to use GitHub), directly to one of our staff on Discord (fastest contact for server admins), in the official server channels on our Discord or on the Steam boards - those are the only actively monitored channels. While we do read Discord chats (same as Reddit and all Social Media) depending on free resources in our free time, it is noted in Discord that it is not monitored for bugs and that they need to be brought up at one of the intended places to be tracked. In official server channels reports from players playing there are brought up to us by GM's. Our QA and other staff does their best to note issues when they see people talking about them, but it's simply not possible to monitor every channel, especially as Discord is intended as a user-to-user space. Might have been worth to clarify that for anyone interested on how operations here work.

WhistleTips2 commented 5 months ago

This is nontheless exactly the kind of information we are looking for and that was so far unknown. Clear reproduction is often not directly achievable, but any hints on how to trigger something with higher likelyness is already very good.

Can I assume that you or someone from QA has logged into the dadspeed server and attempted this? Was is not reproducible for you/QA?

I'll reach out to the server owner to see if we can get the save files to you. Do you only want the save files? How should I get those files to you?

I'll also reach out on the dadspeed discord to see if right click is consistently working for anyone. As excplicit said, it almost never works for me as well. Assuming we can get players that aren't as impacted by this (unlikely), what information should we gather and share with you? Any in-game info? Any chat command responses you'd like? Please advise on what/where/how to get this information.

My additional observations on this:

D3nnis3n commented 5 months ago

The issue is that even if we could get it on Dadspeed, that doesn't help, as it doesn't have the necessary environment to debug it. We'd know exactly as much as before - it does happen, but not why. We need to get it on one of the official servers (and if possible, actually not WT, as that is not standard) or locally. (Or just figure out what causes it so repro is not necessary) Every issue that isn't apparent by code is always debugged locally.

Save files and config files (if necessary for any kind of settlement settings) should suffice.

I do understand you reported that the issue happens on WT as well, but I did just ask around at our resident players and they do not observe the issue like you do, hence the whole "unlikely to find people not impacted as much" is irritating to me. There is also no reports made by GM's on the matter. Again, I absolutely believe you and other people got it there - but the severity that is being presented is not something I could confirm with own data. WT did have a few instances of total uninteractibility that we do investigate, but that is something different. (Precisely this: - That PR is adding debug capacity for additional info, something we often need to do for complex issues and then deploy on the server - which again is only really feasible on our servers)

Did the people seeing it on any official server by chance have high latency? Residents on WT are mostly from europe, as the server, so low latency. How's load on your servers? I'll make a public poll later today, I'm currently on vacation until end of april - hence the short answers at the start.

Thanks for all the additional information so far, devs do check this issue.

WhistleTips2 commented 5 months ago

Did the people seeing it on any official server by chance have high latency? Residents on WT are mostly from europe, as the server, so low latency. How's load on your servers? I'll make a public poll later today, I'm currently on vacation until end of april - hence the short answers at the start.

I do not play on WT, so it wasn't me that initially mentioned it not working there. However, I just logged in to WT...

I spawned into what looked like the busier town. I opened my map and the map was missing all of the icons (tables, shops, etc.) This bug is also the norm on dadspeed. I ran a bit outside of town to place down my tent. I grabbed sand and was able to right-click place it into the small stockpile. Same with a sandstone.

I logged out and logged back in. Map is working. However, right-click is now broken. I am unable to right-click place something I'm carrying into the stockpile. So I can confirm that the same bug(s) are happening on WT.

I'm in the U.S. and my ping is 133ms. I'm on a wired connection (not wifi).

I'll stay logged in to WT for a little bit if you want me to get more information while in this current state but I won't be able to for long.

Video of it happening on WT. I tried to show the right-click not being an option and then I tabbed through the [F2] diag. pages. Also note the proximity voice chat icon stuck on.

ECO-ExPLiCiT commented 5 months ago

Did the people seeing it on any official server by chance have high latency? Residents on WT are mostly from europe, as the server, so low latency. How's load on your servers? I'll make a public poll later today, I'm currently on vacation until end of april - hence the short answers at the start.

I do not play on WT, so it wasn't me that initially mentioned it not working there. However, I just logged in to WT...

I spawned into what looked like the busier town. I opened my map and the map was missing all of the icons (tables, shops, etc.) This bug is also the norm on dadspeed. I ran a bit outside of town to place down my tent. I grabbed sand and was able to right-click place it into the small stockpile. Same with a sandstone.

I logged out and logged back in. Map is working. However, right-click is now broken. I am unable to right-click place something I'm carrying into the stockpile. So I can confirm that the same bug(s) are happening on WT.

I'm in the U.S. and my ping is 133ms. I'm on a wired connection (not wifi).

I'll stay logged in to WT for a little bit if you want me to get more information while in this current state but I won't be able to for long.

Video of it happening on WT. I tried to show the right-click not being an option and then I tabbed through the [F2] diag. pages. Also note the proximity voice chat icon stuck on.

Thanks Whistletips for going through all that testing on WT.

I wanted to also mention that I would be surprised if this is directly related to ping or lag unless, that said lag is during the initial loading into the server, and therefore something doesn't get loaded properly. The reason I bring this up is that when you have the issue after you log in, there is nothing you can do to make the issue go away, and we have tried just about everything. The only way that you can get the right-click to start working again is to keep trying to log back into the server until it does. That is why I feel like something didn't load properly while joining the server.

I will also try to see if I can replicate the issue on WT as well.

johnkslg commented 5 months ago

Can you explain the bug better? that screenshot showing the debug overlay holds all the relevant information. What is in your selected and carried slot? what is being highlighted? whats the control popup look like? All of that is cropped out.

WhistleTips2 commented 5 months ago

Can you explain the bug better? that screenshot showing the debug overlay holds all the relevant information. What is in your selected and carried slot? what is being highlighted? whats the control popup look like? All of that is cropped out.

As posted above, I uploaded a video of it happening on WT. Hopefully that should show you that I can't right click to place the item(s) in my hand into the stockpile.

ECO-ExPLiCiT commented 4 months ago

Can you explain the bug better? that screenshot showing the debug overlay holds all the relevant information. What is in your selected and carried slot? what is being highlighted? whats the control popup look like? All of that is cropped out.


Does this screenshot help more? 20240422085052_1

D3nnis3n commented 2 months ago

Please recheck on Update 10.3. We have not been able to reproduce the issue and the information in the screenshots was unfortunately not useful for that either, but we made some more refactors that hopefully addressed the issue.

D3nnis3n commented 1 month ago

Fixed in Update 11.